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have 7 year old baby married.child of christ,and I just 2 years using a com,also im from mo
can any toshiba batterys interchange in laptops?
7 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 year agoplease help!I cant get my daughter to eat anything,?
5 AnswersDiet & Fitness3 years agoHow can i reach my son that does not even say hello?
4 AnswersLanguages3 years agoIs trump our savior or the crist of this nation?
10 AnswersPolitics4 years agowhat are the list of things I cant give baby?
2 AnswersPolls & Surveys4 years agocan I set my crome book back to factory settings?
I think i just bought a hot crome book,can I get rid of the sch ??
ool it came from
1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks5 years agohow do i find and install drivers for hard drive so I can install windows also how do i install in unalocated space on hard drive thank you?
there are 4 partisions on said hard drive ,1 is primary and the others are o/s im sure,usualy I can get hard drive to take windows no problem,so whats the deal,delite and make it an unalocated space workes any other time
3 AnswersSoftware5 years agowhy does my video only work in safe mode?
I have a dell inspron laptop that workes fine in safe mode but video dont come up in normal mode,the video is not going out because I tryed this many time,going back and forth from safe mode to normal,cant do updates in safe mode ,but I think that will solve the problem.thanks for all your help
1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks6 years agoI just pulled my back out,what should I do now,walk or relax?
I know I should relax my back and baby it but I dont have much time,I need the best way to strengthen it,now
2 AnswersInjuries7 years agohow do I access the drivers for my hard driveon acer?
In order to access my hard drive to install windows I need to install drivers for that hard drive ,the only thing I can think to do is open the laptop and look at the info on it to get drivers,also need a good forum for asking these kinds of questions for missouri area,thank you in advance
2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks7 years agowhere is the best place to find out if its going to rain today?
every weather site I go to has evrything but the percentage for that day
5 AnswersWeather7 years ago