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what do i do now?I have kidney stone the size of a marble and stent,now Im constipated..laxatives dont even work,at a loss!please help?
2 Answers
- Shadow TravelerLv 75 years ago
Have you tried milk of magnesia? It's a laxative that doesn't cause cramping and it usually works really well, and fast. I had surgery and the pain meds plugged me up pretty bad. After two doses of that stuff (spread over two days) I wasn't constipated any more. just drink a crap ton of water with it.
- TavyLv 75 years ago
Here in the UK we can buy Glycerin suppositries from a Pharmacy. One up your bum and you should go within 20 minutes. No cramps, it works on the lower part of the bowel.
Often given after surgery when you cannot strain.