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how do i find and install drivers for hard drive so I can install windows also how do i install in unalocated space on hard drive thank you?
there are 4 partisions on said hard drive ,1 is primary and the others are o/s im sure,usualy I can get hard drive to take windows no problem,so whats the deal,delite and make it an unalocated space workes any other time
3 Answers
- efflandtLv 75 years ago
Note that an msdos partition table (typical for Win7 or earlier) and limited to 2 TB drive size can only have 4 primary OR extended partitions total, although, it can have any number of logical partitions in an extended partition. But I suspect that Windows might need to be installed on a primary partition. So when you try to free up unallocated space, do you have 3 main partitions or still the limit of 4?
Win8 or newer might use gpt partitions which is required for drives larger than 2 TB and do not have the 4 main partition limit.
- Anonymous5 years ago
It's not an issue with drivers, but possibly a Partition table the Windows doesn't recognise properly. Either corrupted or from a different OS. So it can't remove the other partitions to free the space.
Something you can try is DBAN, which is Linux boot disk that will completely overwrite every block of the disk. Run that, then try installing Windows on the now blank disk, and it should let you partition the whole disk as you please.
- 5 years ago
Drivers for HDD are already built in into the motherboard BIOS so there's no need to download them.