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how do I open the dvd drive on asus x552w laptop that dont have an operating system?
3 Answers
- DickLv 73 years ago
If you look closely to the front panel of the DVD drive you will see a small hole right under the button used to open or close the DVD. Get a large paper clip and straighten out the last bend in the paper clip. This will give you about 2 inches of paper clip to use as a probe. Put the paperclip in the hole and push straight back and the drive lock will release and you need to push kind of hard to force the drive tray open about 1/4 of an inch. Once you do that, just grab the tray and pull it open. That's all there is to it. Hope this helps!
- Anonymous3 years ago
Even if it doesn't have an operating system the little button should open it but if it does not look for a tiny hole on the right hand side it's about the size of a paperclip if you put a paperclip in there you will feel a little spring release push on it and the door will pop open if the button refuses to open it up