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Is trump our savior or the crist of this nation?
10 Answers
- Anonymous4 years ago
he saved us from Crooked Hillary.
- ?Lv 54 years ago
There are no saviors . He supported Hillary Clinton in every single election financially. This should speak volujmes to the left and the right and the games we are kept playing.
Bill Clinton and Dubya call themselves "Bruthas from another mutha." They may be Repub and Demo but it is just the name they use to cover their crimes. George W Sr. got us into the wars . His kid got is further into the wars in the Middle East. Obama kept us there . Hillary Clinton voted to go into Iraq to start the war. There is no reason for people to pick a team like this is Twilight , I pick Edward because he isn't like a damn wolf. Really, this is nonsense. Don't let the media twist your panties in a bunch over the name they are wearing as a mask.
- Anonymous4 years ago
He is the best thing since sliced bread.