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I just pulled my back out,what should I do now,walk or relax?
I know I should relax my back and baby it but I dont have much time,I need the best way to strengthen it,now
2 Answers
- ?Lv 77 years agoFavorite Answer
You need to see your Doctor to know what exactly the diagnosis of your back is? He/she will tell you as to what you should be doing to improve it. Is it a muscle problem, a disc problem, a spinal cord problem......I'm sure you "get" what I'm saying.
I'm not being rude, just trying to help. If you decide to treat yourself, you may be doing more harm than good......right? >3
- 7 years ago
thanks for the good word please add me to your y messenger list,I will need it
Im, walt ,glad to know you