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please help!I cant get my daughter to eat anything,?


my daughter Is 2 years 2 monthes.If i get her to tast the food she turnes away after a bit,Its been to long ,Im getting scared.please help,taking her to get mouth looked at for sores or something.everyone says its a phase.if she keeps this up shewill end up with an eating disorder.

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    Some kids are not big eaters. She'll eat if she's hungry.

  • The trojan horse technique for feeding fussy eaters:

  • Gary B
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    Fix meals for you and your husband and for you other children, if you have any. Set a place at the table for all. [Your who?e talk!y eats dinner at the same time. No exceptions.

    Now, when you all set down to eat, tell her (and ceveryone else): " this is dinner. The will be no special dinners, if you don't like this, then you go to bed hungry and no dessert."

    MAKE IT STICK!! Swhen dinner time is done, cleanup the table, put leftovers away, amnd wash the disheses. Don't force her to eat, and if she eats well, let he have all she wants. If she doesn't eat she goes to bed with no snack, no dessert don't give in to whining and crying. M. If she says "I'm hungry" tell her, " every eats what * cool when I cook it,"

    IGUARANTEE that after 2 or 3 days she will eat everything you cook when you cook it.

  • 3 years ago

    How old is she

  • 3 years ago

    send her to the ******* doctor, not on ******* yahoo answers.

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