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  • spitting up when on tummy?

    What age to babies usually outgrow spitting up?? My little guy is 9 1/2 months and 98% of the time when he spits up it's when he's on his tummy. He ALWAYS wants to be on the floor crawling, rolling, scooting but it's frustrating because I'm constantly following him around and cleaning up his trail lol. Also, he STILL sleeps in his bouncy chair (in his crib) because when he rolls onto his tummy in his crib he spits up then too, then rolls around in it. He will sleep in his crib not in his chair without complaint, but it's so much cleaner for him to be in his chair and he seems to get a more restful sleep.

    We go to the Dr's on the 14th, until then I was just looking for some experiences, suggestions as to why, what, how to stop it. He also seems to spit up the most after having formula and spits up hardly at all after solid meals.

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • American Idol -- who was sent home!!?

    missed the episode, curious which 2 got the boot tonight!

    3 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Crying to get what they want?

    My daughter is 4 1/2 and has recently started crying all the time and I believe it's to get what she wants. For example, if she doesn't like the pants I've picked for her to go grubbing in the yard, she starts getting all upset and crying and then the fight is on if I won't go get her a new pair. I just tell her if she doesn't like the pants I've picked, she can go pick her own, but she flips out because she wants ME to go get new ones (which I refuse, I'm not her slave, and she is capable of doing it herself). She wanted to go ride her bike today, well it's very windy and cold so I made her put her rain jacket/windbreaker on and told her it had to be zipped up.....again the fight was on, with her crying and flipping out because she didn't want the jacket zipped up..... rules are:: either you wear it zipped up or you come in the house.....she didn't want to do either but she ended up in the house because she didn't want to keep it zipped up......then all this commotion woke up my 8 month old who had just gone down for a nap and OH MY GOD...... LOL!!!!!

    I guess what I'm asking is for someone to PLEASE tell me this is normal behaviour and she's just pushing the envelope to see what she can get away with and to see if she can get her way by being a brat (I don't give in!!!)

    There is a long story behind this as well and to sum it up, my parents live downstairs and my dad will give her whatever she wants, doesn't EVER give her trouble and lets her disrespect him at her whim, drops what he's doing to do what she wants etc........I've talked to him and he just doesn't listen...I may as well be talking to a rock. Do you think this could be part of the reason for her behaviour? She knows better than to do it to us, because we don't give in.....we stick to our guns, but the last few weeks she's gotten really bad.

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • When did the crawling start for you?

    My little guy is 8months a bit and has JUST started showing an interest in crawling....mind you, I haven't really encouraged it alot as I have a 4 1/2 year old as well and my days are pretty full without having to worry about what he's getting into lol! He gets up on his hands and knees and does the whole back and forth over and over but he never just gets going....otherwise he's quite happy to just roll everywhere or pull himself with his arms (something my daughter did as well, she didn't crawl much until after she learned to walk) I'm just interested in the various ages that your little ones "officially" started crawling.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • My cooktop won't come clean!!! Any pointers?

    I have a Frigidaire Gallery stainless steel oven with a black cook top. I have some black spots on it that are seriously baked on and cannot get them off. I've tried Fantastik, Mr Clean magic erasers, mild abrasive scrubs, good old fashioned elbow grease.....none of it has worked. Does anyone have any "magical" suggestions to help me get my cook top clean!!!!????

    2 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • when did your little ones first teeth appear?

    My daughter didn't get her first tooth until close to a year. My son however had his first 2 (bottom) just before 5 months... he got one on Christmas Eve day and the 2nd on Christmas day. Guess it just goes to show you how different your children can be lol. Now, just after turning 7 months, he's managed to break through 3 more teeth since just this last Saturday, poor little guy I know....he now has 5 teeth through (2 on the bottom, top 2 front and his top left) and he was 7 months on the 21st. I'm just curious when your babies first tooth/teeth appeared and how soon after the rest started to come through.

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Kids and the stomach flu?

    We've had a nasty stomach flu going through our house for the last 2 weeks. I was the first to get it, my daughter the last. She was sick accompanied by a fever on Wed/Thurs. Fine Friday and she's been on and off since.....but I find if she has ANYTHING with milk product in it, she is guaranteed to still throw up at least once. Now I was chewing back Gravol for a little more than a week just so I could manage some food and feel ok about it, and my husbands stomach has been on and off for a week now, so could it just be that her stomach isn't quite as strong as ours and stuff comes back up easier? She's drinking lots of fluid, even Pedialyte, and wants to eat (of course she keeps asking for cheese and stuff), as long as we keep her off anything dairy, she seems ok..... should I be concerned or give it a little more time because our stomachs were off for so long as well.

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Reactions to solids (allergic or other)?

    My son is a pro when it comes to his solids. He turned 6 months on the 21st and has been on them since 5 months. His desire to eat more has doubled in the last few days alone and he's pigging back the cereal like it's nobody's business.....loves sweet potatoes, not too fussy about fruits other than bananas, but he'll eat them.

    Anyhow, to my question.

    If you came across a food that your baby seemed to have a reaction to, what were the symptoms? I introduce ONE new food about every 3-4 days, usually at lunch time feedings, but last night I introduced butternut squash to him and this morning he woke up with VERY bright red cheeks (especially his left) and bumpy like a rash. I know he's teething (already has 2 bottom teeth), and he has not had this from teething before so how can I tell if it's from the new food or something else? It doesn't seem to be bothering him and he's not spitting up anything at all.

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • background suggestions?

    if you were to get a dragonfly tattoo, what type of background would you get? floral? tribal? stars? My childrens names and birthdates will be in the wings so I want them to be flying around something, looking like they are playing together (there will be 2 dragonflies)

    1 AnswerTattoos1 decade ago
  • what type of flower do dragonflies prefer?

    curious, doing some research for a tattoo design.

    3 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Is there a fine line between......?

    Reflux and being a frequent "spitter upper"?? My niece and nephew both had reflux as babies, and my husbands cousins 2 children both had it as well. My daughter didn't, although she spit up no more than "normal" and now my son has his days. He's almost 6 months and I never really questioned it until now because his spitting up seems to be coming more frequent and has more of a barfy smell to it. There are some days he barely does it at all and some days it seems half of everything he eats comes back. When I first started him on solids it was pretty much gone, now we're back to square one. He will only sleep on an incline, has since birth, but he has been sleeping ALL night since about 7weeks. He has a very healthy appetite, loves his oatmeal and other cereals, inhales his fruits and is on formula. He goes for his 6 month check in a week or so, so I'll be asking the Dr, I'm just looking for others experiences with reflux and what you did to help with it.

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Transition to crib from ......?

    My son is coming up 6months old and has been sleeping in his bouncy chair since about 3weeks of age. He won't sleep flat on his back, at least not for more than 20minutes, and in his chair he sleeps at least 8-10hours straight. I have learned that my niece had to have the head of her crib raised when she was a baby because she would not sleep flat, as I have 2 other friends that had to do the same thing with at least one of their children. I plan on doing this very soon. For those of you who had babies sleeping in alternate places other than cribs (basonettes or other) for the first while, when and how did you find the transition to a crib? He has been sleeping in his bouncy chair in his crib, so he has been in his own room since 5 weeks old. This is a whole new experience for me as my daughter was sleeping in her crib from 5 days old with no problems.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Has Laula had baby boy yet?

    If I remember correctly she's due today!! I'm just wondering if anyone has any updates, I know she doesn't have access to internet now that she's not working. Just wondering if baby boy has arrived yet and if so, how big, name settled and how mom is doing?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Where on earth did she go?

    Ok, I've been out of touch for a bit and my contacts names are all changing and I'm having a hard time keeping tabs on everyone lol... where on earth did Laula go and what is her name now?? I want to know how her pregnancy is going and hope everything is ok, I also miss reading her familiar, funny, quirky and sincere questions!!

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Good grief, it's only Nov 2nd and......?

    I heard Christmas music upon entering a department store today.....damn Sears!!

    How early do you expect to hear holiday music in stores? Am I turning into a Scrooge or does this seem a little on the early side to you too? It wasn't just the odd holiday song thrown into a mix either, it was one of those "holiday channels"!!!

    To me, Dec 1st is an acceptable time to start playing it.

    16 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Outfits vs Sleepers -- why do you have to get so many outfits as gifts?

    which do you prefer to dress your baby in??

    Up until about 6months I prefer to just use sleepers which makes alot of shower gifts useless as people seem to think you need a million cute little outfits. I dressed my daughter in sleepers to go out until she was at least 6months old and now again with my son who is 2months old, he is always in sleepers whether we are at home or out, and all tucked up nice and snuggly with a blanket in his carseat....I just find them quick, easy, convenient and probably more comfortable for baby. I have some really cute outfits but I honestly just can't be bothered!

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Exersaucer VS Jumperoo?

    I am in need of a new exersaucer as my old one is "non recoverable" after being in storage for so long and I have been considering getting the Precious Planet Jumperoo instead

    Now my question is.... if you have used the Jumperoo, does it give them the option to stand like the exersaucer does or is it more similar to the jolly jumper where they only use their muscles to jump instead of support their weight to stand?

    I already have a Jolly Jumper so I really don't need somethinge else that is similar.

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • he just won't sleep on his back!?

    My little guy will be 6weeks tomorrow and he will NOT sleep on his back, unless slightly elevated. He doesn't even like to be on his back to look around, he likes being on his tummy and he has been since birth. He doesn't spit up more than "normal", he's a very content and happy baby with a VERY healthy appetite, and he sleeps VERY well and anywhere as long as he is in his bouncy chair. Any suggestions as to how I can get him sleeping on his back so I can get him in his crib? He'll sleep there in his chair. He has his checkup tomorrow so I'm going to ask the dr if I should be concerned with any type of reflux that would be making it uncomfortable for him, just looking for tips.

    I have tried the sleep right by jolly jumper and that doesn't seem to help. As soon as he's put down on his back he tries with all his might to roll over on to his tummy, which he succeeded doing yesterday, then he was happy.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • did you decide to circumcise?

    Well hubby and I had the discussion and have decided to circumcise. My little guy is 4 weeks old so we need to get it done right away. I always thought I would want to do it no questions, but then when I had thoughts changed and I really didn't want to do that to him, but after a "heated" discussion with hubby last night, it's being done.

    If you had your little one circumcised, how was it done, how long was the healing process and what level of discomfort do you believe your little one suffered?

    18 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • It's a ..............................?

    BOY!!! Just wanted to let anyone know that gives a hoot that my little bundle of joy arrived VERY quickly yesterday.

    My Dr "rimmed" my cervix Monday morning, I started losing mucus at 2:30 yesterday morning, went to the hospital at about 10:30am, they did some checking over and sent me home because my contractions were irregular and at best 10min apart. On the 15min drive home they became 2min apart, so as soon as we got home we turned around and went back and my beautiful baby boy was delivered an HOUR later!!

    Absolutely NO DRUGS again (although I asked for them and they WERE going to give them to me but he came SO darn fast!), a few minor 1st degree tears (couple of stitches.) He was born at 2:58pm on July 21st, Dr signed my release at 8:00am this morning but had to wait until 3:00pm for the 24hr PKU test before I could go home. So I was home by 4:00 today.

    8lbs 3oz, 20inches long, beautiful, healthy and still not 100% on the name yet, we're thinking of Gavin.

    Anyone else delivered recently??? love to hear your stories!!

    22 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago