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Favorite Answers42%
  • Attention anybody who owns a Honda Accord or has owned one or anybody that works/repairs them on a daily basis?

    Looking to purchase a 96 Honda Accord and I'd like some input from present owners and ppl that have owned them or repair them.What problems have you run into, any factory recall issues or service bulletins.I'd greatly appreciate any and all info and please be detailed thanx.

    4 AnswersHonda10 years ago
  • Hi there , I wonder if anybody can tell me about these words and exactly what language it is please?

    These are the words that I'd like to find out exactly all you an tell me about them please...please dont think that I'am online yelling this is how the words are written exactly....JANOSIKOV DUKAT PRE STASTIE.....I do know its has something to do with the year 1713...

    Thanks to all that respond, it's much appreciated.

    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Just wondering if anybody can recommend or knows the best places to get your hands on coupons or coupon books?

    Looking for info regarding where I can get coupons for foods etc or coupon books here in Ont Canada?Thanx in advance for all and any replies.

    8 AnswersOther - Dining Out1 decade ago
  • thank you for the bread recipe info Autumn and Leash!?

    Just thanking you and letting you know the info was for my sister and thanx again Autumn and Leash.Merry Xmas and Happy New Year

    Anybody have carrot bread recipes for bread makers?

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • anybody have bread maker recipes?

    Looking for free sites for black and decker bread maker recipes or anybody that has black and decker recipes.Thank you all in advance.

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • I have a 96 Intrepid and need urgent help?

    Anybody have a full wiring diagram colour gage info , schematic of the headlight low-hi beam switches and DRL light system for a 96 3.3 Intrepid? The 3.5 would be the same , and so would the earlier models etc.

    I basically need the wiring info for the head light multi function switch , and it's plug in wire harness connections.Trying to trace some wiring and any help with schematics or diagrams for the head light assembly , multi function switch, head light switch, and I've been looking for a diagram to the BCM for awhile now due to another needed repair and any help would be greatly appreciated and many thanks in advance to all those that take out the time to read this and reply.

    1 AnswerDodge1 decade ago
  • Weird problem when trying to install yahoo messenger?

    When I download the newest version of yahoo and then try to load it , I get this message" its unable to work bec of incorrect line parameter" it goes on to say try to reinstall it might fix the problem but it doesnt.

    Anybody ever run into this sort of problem and can you explain to me exactly what that error msg means and exactly how I can fix it please?

    Many thanx to all that take out their time to read this and that answer my question.

    3 AnswersOther - Yahoo Messenger1 decade ago
  • hard-drive formatting?

    Here is the problem, i've had to reformat my drive a few times via using fdisk and deleting the partion since xp has no uninstall feature and the drive keeps shrinking in size , anybody know how to restore it to the orginal size?

    2 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • reformatting hard-drives?

    Anybody know exactly how to get a hard-drive reformatted to it's actual full size?Everytime I have windows problems and I have to reformat due a virus etc the formatting size goes down.It's quite frustrating and any step by step help would be much appreciated thanx all

    2 AnswersAdd-ons1 decade ago
  • I've a real good question for you, I need a 24 hr constant video tape for my security where can I buy them ?

    Just looking for the older video tapes they are just like a regular VHS tape but they can run for 24 hrs constantly recording data.I know places do sell them and that the new thing out is a digital type of recording device but I require some tapes and I would be quite grateful for any info. I live in Canada Ontario and even if you've a site or link or name of a place that sells them any such info would be such a huge help to me as the present time thanx.

    3 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Cruise control info required on Dodge?

    I've a 96 Intrepid 3.3 and the PCM has a 60 pin layout.

    If anybody has any info regarding the colours of the wires that go to the transmission control module=PCM from the Cruise Control circuit and the PCM's pin layout info I'd be grateful for any info schematics or diagrams or just the pin and colours of wires...By the way I'm getting code 77= either the cruise control relay isn't working or the 12 volt regulated feed isn't being detected and the dash light comes on saying cruise control when I push the switch cruising on hwy but the cruise control fails to kick in.Many thanx to all that reply.

    2 AnswersDodge1 decade ago
  • anybody out there have any info about the 96 3.3 Intrepid?

    I need urgent info regarding the TCM=transmission control module and would appreciate it if anybody has any info on what pins are dealing with the Cruise Control system, plus any diagrams would be also greatly appreciated .

    I've asked around and no body seems to have any info regarding even a wiring diagram for my Intrepid cruise control circuit and I've code 77 showing up referring to possible fault with cruise relay or the 12 driver circuit system and I want to trouble shoot the system asap.

    Thank you all for reading and replying in advance.

    2 AnswersDodge1 decade ago
  • Question for Dodgeman?

    One time you told me about replacement Bosch o2 sensors for my 95 3.3 Intrepid, and mentioned a certain car parts chain.That company doesn't have any stores here.Could you please give me the actual part numbers so I can look into it more ?

    2 AnswersDodge1 decade ago
  • Any urgent advice is welcome thank you?

    What are all the natural foods to help increase iron levels the best?Besides liver lol

    7 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • Important update on the Chrysler TCM question?

    I understand the system like this the PCM pin15 sends power to relay, the relay sends power to the PCM at pin17,PCM sends power via 7different pins to the Trans Solenoids Pressure Switches at different times but theres a steady 12volt feed maintanied to the silenoid assembly and if no power returning to the PCM via pin 16 via the TSPSW Assembly the PCM shuts off and sends a fault signal to ECM?

    Therefore pin 15 on TCM is hot once ignition is turned on or in run or engine is running.So for sure when the engine is running the PCM pin 15 should be hot constantly and if it isn't the PCM itself isn't sending any power via pin 15 to the TCR pin 9a.?

    From my testing so far for sure fuse B is the working in feeding theTCM bec pin 56 is hot , plus 1 pin on the TCR was hot but I've not gone further to test it from underneath yet.

    So again that shows fuse B is fine but why isn't pin15 hot when engine running.Wouldn't this suggest if TCR is fine that the ECM isn't sending any bus signal?

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Can the Chrysler tech "Sprinkle" please answer this question or anybody that knows how the TCM functions

    My dilema is that I've a 96 Intrepid 3.3 and I've some wiring schematic info but it's not a very good photo cophys and it's not complete either.

    I've tested the TCM and there's 12volts coming into pin 56 but theres another pin 15 that seems to say it too is a 12 supply.

    Can you tell me exactly where this supply to pin 15 comes from, plus it's local id number please and what that feed is for and it's exact function please?

    What is happening is the transmission silenoid isn't getting it's power , plus theres no power output at pins16 and 17, thus leaving me to think either that pin 15 feed is the fault here or ?

    It would be a great help for me in truly understanding this TCM circuit if someone could explain exactly how it's suppose to work and if you've any literature explaining this it be greatly appreciated.

    By the way I do have spare ECM's and TCM's for it but don't want to change them until I've a full exact understanding of the problem and a full proper diagnose

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • HeyDodgeman I figure you're in the states but do you know of a cheap o2 sensor supplier that also has outlets

    Looking for o2 sensors for Dodge 96 3.3 Intreprids that are great value and great quality replacements that can also be purchased from the same car parts suppliers here at thier Canadain sales outlet stores.

    1 AnswerDodge1 decade ago
  • Anybody have asap access to a wiring diagram on a 96 intrepid?

    Trying to figure out what wire off the under hood fuse panel is the feed for the transmission module or TCM, there's suppose to be a relay that feeds the TCM 12 volts from that fuse panel but theres nothing mentioning it on the panel at all.

    I have the info regarding the PCM pins and wiring but it be a lot easiar if I knew where the actual feed wire is located on the fuse panel too.

    Any asap help would be greatly appreciated and thank you all in advance

    2 AnswersDodge1 decade ago
  • Anybody know safe free links to info regarding 95, 96 , 97 3.5 , 3.3 Dodge Intrepid Full wiring diagrams?

    Just looking to find a more detailed full access wiring diagram or schematics to these types cars to find a few wiring problems that are driving me crazy lol

    Any help would be greatly appreciated thank you in advance

    2 AnswersDodge1 decade ago
  • Need to know a totally free , no trial DVD decoding software?

    All I need is a free DVD decoding software ,if anybody knows of a good one please give link thank you

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago