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Anybody have asap access to a wiring diagram on a 96 intrepid?
Trying to figure out what wire off the under hood fuse panel is the feed for the transmission module or TCM, there's suppose to be a relay that feeds the TCM 12 volts from that fuse panel but theres nothing mentioning it on the panel at all.
I have the info regarding the PCM pins and wiring but it be a lot easiar if I knew where the actual feed wire is located on the fuse panel too.
Any asap help would be greatly appreciated and thank you all in advance
Heres my ASAP follow up ASAP repair question for that info , I in fact just got a chance to read from a partial diagram and yes theTCM turns on the relay. My question is this where is this relay exactly located and it's location id number please , plus where is the fuse located for the feed to TCM and its local number thank you?.......
My dilema is my owners manual mentions a fuse and it's in main fuse panel at side inside the car but it doesnt say 20amp it says 10amp in my manual regarding any tansmission fuses at all it only says the one 10amp fuse. Odd that my wiring shecmatic diagram says 20amp so you can understand my confusion here bec something is up.
So you could say well the diagram is for a 3.5 engine and yes the TCM is in fact a different TCM on 3.5 engines I know that for a fact and it's a different 2 plug steup , when mine 3.3 is a 1 plug 60pin connector to TCM.
Yes my diagram says 60pin so indeed it's the right diagram I'am reading bec it's the same TCM plug etc
2 Answers
- sprinklesLv 61 decade agoFavorite Answer
the tcm turns on the relay. the relay does not turn on the tcm. the relay feeds the solenoid pack with voltage. when hte tcm needs to put the trans in limp in it shuts off the relay and takes power away from the solenoids. the hot side of the relay is wired back to the tcm, but only so the tcm can monitor if the realy is on or off. it does not use the voltage. pin 57 black/red of teh tcm connector is ground. pin 53 brown/yellow is gorund. pin 11 red/white is ignition inpout. pin 8 yellow is also ignition swithced voltage. pin 17 red/blackis the relay input. pin 56 red/white is battery voltage all teh time.
Source(s): chrysler trans tech