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I've a real good question for you, I need a 24 hr constant video tape for my security where can I buy them ?
Just looking for the older video tapes they are just like a regular VHS tape but they can run for 24 hrs constantly recording data.I know places do sell them and that the new thing out is a digital type of recording device but I require some tapes and I would be quite grateful for any info. I live in Canada Ontario and even if you've a site or link or name of a place that sells them any such info would be such a huge help to me as the present time thanx.
3 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavorite Answer
E Bay, my friend
(or craigslist)
- Anonymous1 decade ago
E300 VHS Casette - the longest recording casette available I believe,
about 10 hours VHS, 10-12 hours CCTV, however if you set your VCR to a mode called 'Long Play' (pretty much all VCR's have this program, just check the manual) this enables you to make the tape last upto 24 hours.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
its not the tape you want..its the machine. bigger stores like jc penny and macys use the machines for their security