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Important update on the Chrysler TCM question?
I understand the system like this the PCM pin15 sends power to relay, the relay sends power to the PCM at pin17,PCM sends power via 7different pins to the Trans Solenoids Pressure Switches at different times but theres a steady 12volt feed maintanied to the silenoid assembly and if no power returning to the PCM via pin 16 via the TSPSW Assembly the PCM shuts off and sends a fault signal to ECM?
Therefore pin 15 on TCM is hot once ignition is turned on or in run or engine is running.So for sure when the engine is running the PCM pin 15 should be hot constantly and if it isn't the PCM itself isn't sending any power via pin 15 to the TCR pin 9a.?
From my testing so far for sure fuse B is the working in feeding theTCM bec pin 56 is hot , plus 1 pin on the TCR was hot but I've not gone further to test it from underneath yet.
So again that shows fuse B is fine but why isn't pin15 hot when engine running.Wouldn't this suggest if TCR is fine that the ECM isn't sending any bus signal?
1 Answer
- gary oLv 71 decade agoFavorite Answer
You need a mechanic with a scanner to tell what is going on. Call around for a price estimate for a diagnostic check only.