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hard-drive formatting?

Here is the problem, i've had to reformat my drive a few times via using fdisk and deleting the partion since xp has no uninstall feature and the drive keeps shrinking in size , anybody know how to restore it to the orginal size?

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago

    Boot your computer using your windows XP disc, from there, run through the blue screen installation as usual. When you get to partitions, delete all partitions.

    Once you do that, create a new partition and put the maximum value in. This will make your hard drive maxed out on available space.


  • 1 decade ago

    Hello..using the xp disk..boot to disk, setup xp , when it gets to the disk will show u the partitions on the disk..simply delete all partitions..then u can set the size of the drive how ever u want it..hope this helps..

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