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Anybody know safe free links to info regarding 95, 96 , 97 3.5 , 3.3 Dodge Intrepid Full wiring diagrams?
Just looking to find a more detailed full access wiring diagram or schematics to these types cars to find a few wiring problems that are driving me crazy lol
Any help would be greatly appreciated thank you in advance
Thanks a lot Dodge man.....even the dealerships don't want to give the info or claim they've no wiring diagrams etc.......But if you ask me if it's a common problem thier mechanics would have to be dealing with it and they'd require manuals for sure bec no one can remember every yr and models wiring info .
2 Answers
- dodge manLv 71 decade agoFavorite Answer
there's a lot of diagrams on the Internet,but what happens when you try to down load them they seem to skip a page or leave out details,and they don't go a very good job of connecting the dots so to speak,i have tried it before,the best diagram i have ever got was from a Haynes repair manual they seem to have the best wiring diagrams that i have seen from any book,all the ones on the sites don't down load good and seem to leave things out,and on wiring we both know wiring is too important to have anything missing from it,if i had anything id send it to you,good luck.
Source(s): been a certified mechanic for 37 yrs.