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Weird problem when trying to install yahoo messenger?

When I download the newest version of yahoo and then try to load it , I get this message" its unable to work bec of incorrect line parameter" it goes on to say try to reinstall it might fix the problem but it doesnt.

Anybody ever run into this sort of problem and can you explain to me exactly what that error msg means and exactly how I can fix it please?

Many thanx to all that take out their time to read this and that answer my question.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Instead, download version 8.1 the latest version of the good Messengers. People are having all sorts of problems with #9.

    Do this, click here: and look for Yahoo Messenger Version 8.1 and download that, you will not have any problems doing so.

  • 1 decade ago

    Have you changed your browser at all? Sometimes that will cause trouble when downloading? If you did you might have to add on a program.

    When you click on the page "download messenger 9.0"

    it has a search field....if you key in trouble downloading yahoo messenger 9.0 it brings up a "blog" all about the problems when downloading messenger 9.0. It's very helpful.



  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    if in case you have some spyware an infection.What anti virus application do you have (please do no longer tell me that that's Yahoo anti undercover agent) I even have not used Yahoo IM in 2 years.I switched to Skype,as did all my acquaintances and relatives.Yahoo IM is a plague case you have no longer have been given an anti virus application,do a unfastened test with between the solid unfastened ones. AVG is a sturdy one.

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