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I have a 96 Intrepid and need urgent help?

Anybody have a full wiring diagram colour gage info , schematic of the headlight low-hi beam switches and DRL light system for a 96 3.3 Intrepid? The 3.5 would be the same , and so would the earlier models etc.

I basically need the wiring info for the head light multi function switch , and it's plug in wire harness connections.Trying to trace some wiring and any help with schematics or diagrams for the head light assembly , multi function switch, head light switch, and I've been looking for a diagram to the BCM for awhile now due to another needed repair and any help would be greatly appreciated and many thanks in advance to all those that take out the time to read this and reply.

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    call me and i will give you a # you will cherish for life.he will know the answer

    pox vobisum

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