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anybody out there have any info about the 96 3.3 Intrepid?

I need urgent info regarding the TCM=transmission control module and would appreciate it if anybody has any info on what pins are dealing with the Cruise Control system, plus any diagrams would be also greatly appreciated .

I've asked around and no body seems to have any info regarding even a wiring diagram for my Intrepid cruise control circuit and I've code 77 showing up referring to possible fault with cruise relay or the 12 driver circuit system and I want to trouble shoot the system asap.

Thank you all for reading and replying in advance.


Thak you for the info but my vehicles TCM only has a 60 pin layout.

Update 2:

Thank you for the info but your diagram says the TCM has 90 pins and my vehicles TCM only has a 60 pin layout.

Update 3:

Thank you"twoblack" for the info but your diagram says the TCM has 90 pins and my vehicles TCM only has a 60 pin layout.

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    check your brake switch at the brake pedal. it is a very commen problem with these veh. even if your brake lights work it still could be a defective brake switch. more info of what the veh. dose when the cruise is not working will help me help you. hope this helps

  • 1 decade ago

    cruise control is controlled solely by the pcm or powertrain controller.

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