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nuke nibiru
after a quick warm up for some swimming i experianced dizzyness,fainting feeling?
and then i just lay down for a bit and then got up feeling like i had no interest in any more activity and feeling of being spaced out and not connected with my suroundings...after a few days i feel a little better,but still feeling a little disconnected .(i have always trained this way..)any ideas?
1 AnswerMen's Health8 years agoI dream my own death and the age I die?
I have dreamed that I die at 40 years from drowning,and I see my self being berried ,I am 38 years now,is this to be believed ,some religions state this is true?
11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoSo the Earth has a molten nickle core,?
this is why we exist ,yes...(to stop the suns solar radiation etc.) a Magnetic field is produced..ok,this I understand,,my question is ,this must one seriously strong magnet and yet there is no interuption to any DC motors or any thing that has a magnetic (ie:metal detectors ,compass etc)how can such a powerful control agent for rejecting the suns radiation not effect the machinery and products on the earths surface...
3 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade agochinese ship on the reef?
will the Australian athorities arrest the captain of the chinese ship that ran aground on the great barrier reef?and charge him with a lack of duty of care!! and get the chinese government to stay out of australian law guide lines!!if they try to represent him..
4 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agohow do I send money to?
pakistan for the girl that was physically abused by child molester cowards men with a wip and there irresponsible parents for letting that I can get her into a country that will give her a chance in life..
2 AnswersGovernment1 decade agocupping for back pain?
I have severe to mild back pain, in upper cervical c4/5 area, pinched nerve causing lower part of right arm to go numb somtimes which wakes me up durring sleep, are using physiotherapy and antinflamatorys with out much success,will Cuppping therapy work for my probs,,?
4 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade agoacer 530..laptop connection to tv ?
how to do this please,,thanks...has many external ports...
1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade agowhy do chinese think tiger?
that tiger bone powder will cure Rumatism??? are you guys still in the 12 th,century,and that Rino horn will cure your fertility problems,have the chinese not heard of Viagra!! why is this still happening?
2 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agooil shutdown?
why shut down the oil refinery in the northsea? is it running out of oil?
5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agoke bashir ini criminal?
apa itu ,beat up forien tourist,ini tidak bagus!!,saya bisness di hotel di bali!!! saya ~BEAT UP BASHIR,GO TO JAIL,CRIMINAL !!!!
5 AnswersLain-lain - Politik & Pemerintahan1 decade agoboycott olmpics now?
WHAT!! ARE THE OLYMPIC COMPETITORS WORRIED THAT THEY WILL LOOSE THERE SPONCERSHIP DEALS??oh thats right its about compeating,not getting $$ from major sporting companys,ie nike,addidas,macdonals farm ,get real!!!
7 AnswersOlympics1 decade agowhat is perisai diri?
where can I train this ,I have heard that the training is quite difficult
1 AnswerMartial Arts1 decade agowill Taiwan be a lead to follow?
will Taiwan be the first to show the world what real chinese citizens can acheive in the last century and the next?dont answer this if you are a communist sympathiser...
4 AnswersPolitics1 decade agohold the olympics in..?
Lahasa ,and then nuke bejing,sport is more important than freedom ,by what degree...oh thats right sport and politics are a separate issue thats why the olympic commitie enjoy the kick backs like free 5 star hotels stays and 24 hour security from the local government in that country ,,how can the murder of tibetans and there blood on there streets be a problem
5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agogive Tibetans nukes?
if they are serious about kicking the hans out!!but Wait! the chinese are supposed to be there they only enjoy seeing other peolple suffer at the hand of there well trained police and armys and when they go into a defencless country in the name of~ mowsitung!! ( how ever it is spelled) oh thats right ..buddist monks are a serious threat to a 100 million armed peronel and a comie government who`s bravery should be rewarded with the noble peace price ,boycot the olympics !!!!NOW...
6 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago