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boycott olmpics now?
WHAT!! ARE THE OLYMPIC COMPETITORS WORRIED THAT THEY WILL LOOSE THERE SPONCERSHIP DEALS??oh thats right its about compeating,not getting $$ from major sporting companys,ie nike,addidas,macdonals farm ,get real!!!
7 Answers
- Really not_trueLv 51 decade agoFavorite Answer
Why? so you can join the silly radicals whiners of the world?
Why don't people starting to enjoy wine instead of whine.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
China will not allow NBC to broadcast the Olympics in Tiananmen square live during the Olympics. Take that NBC! Long live Tibet!
- 1 decade ago
No, a boycott would only give China an excuse to blame western governments for its problems. It would be much more embarrassing to have athletes individually protest or boycott.
- 1 decade ago
It just won't happen - the western coutries are making fortunes out of China's growing economy (despite the recent stockmarket falls) and no government is going to risk that.
Here in Australia we are making squillions exporting dirt (iron ore. coal etc) that they just pcik up in huge open cut mines. Our government is not going to say anything.
- Lady MalaLv 51 decade ago
I wake each day hoping the Olympics won't be held and China will be shamed. For what they are doing to the Tibetan people, they should be ashamed. Not the Chinese people- just their government.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
ok where do i sign up to boycott