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what is perisai diri?

where can I train this ,I have heard that the training is quite difficult

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Perisai Diri is a martial art originating from Indonesia. Silat is an Indonesian term given to the combatitive arts. "Perisai Diri" is practical and non sportative. The term "Perisai Diri" literally mean shield of oneself.

    Perisai Diri was founded by the Pendekar Raden Mas Soebandiman Dirdjoatmodjo with the assistance of the Pendekar Imam Ramelan in Surabaya, Indonesia, on July 2, 1955. Dirdjoatmodjo or more popular with his nick-name Pak De, was born in the Paku Alaman Palace, Yogyakarta, on January 8, 1913. Perisai Diri was created by Pak De based on a combination of various silat styles such as East Javanese Silat (silat from East Java), Minangkabau (West Sumateran Silat), Betawi Silat (original Jakarta Silat), Cimande and Kuningan (West Java Silat), Wushu (Chinese martial arts), and other war styles of many tribes across Indonesia.

    Pak De passed away in Surabaya in 1983. In order to honor his contributions to the development of silat, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia granted him with the title of "Pendekar Purna Utama".

    Today, beside those in Indonesia, Perisai Diri schools can be found in Australia, Austria, Germany, Hungary, Japan, the Netherlands, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America.

    Source(s): internet ;)
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