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why do chinese think tiger?
that tiger bone powder will cure Rumatism??? are you guys still in the 12 th,century,and that Rino horn will cure your fertility problems,have the chinese not heard of Viagra!! why is this still happening?
4 Answers
- 1 decade agoFavorite Answer
they invented all sort of crap, but they cannot invent smth to cure rheumatism??????? are they nuts????????'
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Some of the Chinese still keep their culture either if its a good or bad thing. Either way people should respect the culture that they have, along with other countries that believe that their culture is whats important nomatter how far in the future everyone is in. Sure we are becoming modern but we can't forget what we have done to live up until now.
- rbkgolfshopLv 51 decade ago
I think medicine from Natural resources (herbal), which most chinese medicine made of, are more safe and without side effects. For example, if you take tylonel, the side effect is drowsiness and not recommended when you are driving.
I took this Chinese medicine made from herbal, it cured my cough within an hour without any drowsiness.
I'm not saying Chinese medicine is better than chemical drugs, but it works!
- ZoZoLv 61 decade ago
chinese think tiger is the king of the mountain. strong, powerful and independent.
dont know that they kill tiger for their bone powder.