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will Taiwan be a lead to follow?
will Taiwan be the first to show the world what real chinese citizens can acheive in the last century and the next?dont answer this if you are a communist sympathiser...
4 Answers
- 1 decade agoFavorite Answer
People living on Taiwan can show the world how well they can achieve between 1949 and 1999, and how selfish and greedy they can be between 2000 and 2007.
- 1 decade ago
The people in Taiwan overwhelmingly identify themselves as "Taiwanese" not Chinese.
Hence, I feel that your question is invalid.
At the present time, the Republic of China on Taiwan is (1) a subordinate occupying power, beginning Oct. 25, 1945, and (2) a government in exile, beginning mid-December 1949.
As a non-sovereign nation, of course Taiwan cannot enter the United Nations.
Source(s): - 1 decade ago
I am not a communist sympathiser,but I am Chinese.So I say no.If Washington want autocephaly,can you American say anything about human rights?You are making trouble.Americans like to care about other countries' event,and put sand in the wheels.When 911happened,all people around the world pitied you,gave you food and aided you. Please keep cordial and kind!
- 1 decade ago
china and tibet are 1 in the same, america want to spltt up china so it become economically weaker but it wont happen because most chines know what they are up to