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How do I deal with my coworker?
I started a new job about 6 months ago. My boss is also new and started at the same time I did and I have one other coworker who has been with the company for many years. Initially things started off great with my coworker, they were friendly and helpful. I mostly shadowed this person for a whole month which involved attending meetings. I would just listen in. One month into my role something changed, without any communication, they stopped inviting me to meetings. We also had a backlog, which initially I was told we would both work on but it just ended up being me. I was okay with that because I looked at it as training. Then they asked me to help out another team with their backlog and train someone from another team, which I also did.
I noticed that my own training had halted a bit and so I brought that up and we set up some training sessions. During training, my coworker would QA my work but I noticed they were making changes to it and the quality of my work was actually going down instead of up. I wasn't sure if it was intentional. I confronted them about it and we aligned on a few things but following that I was told that only one of us should be in each meeting and since I am new, it was always her attending these meetings and telling me what work needed to be done. Lately, it has started to feel like I work for my coworker, they are delegating work to me, constantly criticizing everything I do and basically told me that I should run everything by them before doing it.
2 Answers
- OnlookerLv 73 weeks ago
In reality, your best bet is to see how things go in the next few weeks, and if things are still bad, get a new job in a different department or different place. But, there's a decent chance things will get better. What you could be experiencing now is just a poorly designed training program. and once you know your job things could get easier.
- ?Lv 73 weeks ago
You've only been there for 6 months. Of course an employee that is senior to you is going to delegate work to you. You have to evaluate the changes that have been made to your work. Are they style changes that make no real difference, or are they corrections? Watch being confrontational about anything in the workplace. It may brand you as difficult to work with. A tactful conversation with a "how do we sort this out" attitude is much more constructive.