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What does it take to be a barista at Starbucks?
Personality, skills, work ethic, all that.
6 Answers
- Anonymous1 month agoFavorite Answer
Hi! I currently work at a licensed Starbucks so I can give you some insight on whether you would be a good fit or not for the job. The number one thing I would say is the most important above all else is patience, if you are some one who is not patient with people, then you will get frustrated and quit soon. Sometimes customers will be mean, rude, pushy, and demanding and you can’t say anything back to them. I don’t say this to scare you away, but it’s something we just have to put up with on a daily basis. I wouldn’t say there is a certain personality you need to have, all Baristas are different in who they are and as long as you have a positive attitude and are willing to work you should be fine. Skill-wise if you have any food service background that’s great but if you don’t that’s absolutely fine. A lot of people who work at Starbucks have never held a job before so they are taught everything they need to know (anything from drink making to cashier to drive through). Work ethic is very important because you can expect to be working with anywhere from 3 to 8 baristas at one time and there are no room for slackers when it’s busy. Everyone needs to be doing something and helping out. All in all, the job can be very stressful and if you don’t deal with stress well it might not be the job for you. We are always on our feet doing something so it’s not as easy as it looks. These are just some things to keep in mind, if you have any other questions you can update the question and I’ll be happy to answer :)
- Anonymous1 month ago
You need to wear a size 0 & be hot & have big boobs
- Anonymous1 month ago
Can you write someone's name on a cup and pronounce it wrong as you call it out?
Source(s): CONGRATULATIONS!! You're hired! When can you start? - Anonymous2 months ago
They are usually young and pretty too.