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What kind of attitude is this called?
My dad was very rude to the waiter by saying things like the beef should be sizzling, do you understand? He did this after he told the waiter to reiterate the order. He also embarrassed the whole family by getting the family to leave the restaurant after the waiter couldn’t complete one order.
He’s also forcing this attitude in me.
4 Answers
- Anonymous3 months ago
If the steak was cold, he set the waiter straight. The waiter should go back to the chef and wake him up. There's nothing wrong with what he said, nor asking him to repeat it back to him, to be sure that he got it right. And if the waiter was incompetent and could not complete the order, then I don't blame your father for leaving, and giving his business to a restaurant who deserves his business. There are plenty of really bad waiters & waitresses around, and the businesses that employ them should know what they have hired. And, he's not forcing you to do anything. I'm pretty sure he just expects you to listen and learn to stand up for yourself, and not be a whimp who allows yourself to be taken advantage of, or treated poorly. If you would rather be treated like a doormat, that's your business, but when I am served in a restaurant, I expect to get what I ordered and I expect it to be cooked to chef quality.
- Anonymous3 months ago
When he say the "Beef should be sizziling" it's a sex joke.... I assume
He is nasty and your mom should come up with a comeback next time they go somewhere and tell a guy a sex joke and embarrassed your dad!
- Anonymous3 months ago
Condescending. I had a rich friend that acted that way and it embarrassed the hell out of me. It's impossible to have this attitude unless you feel others are inferior.
Hasn't your dad heard the horror stories of what people in the food industry do to your food when you act that way? No bueno.
How is treating the server like a doormat teaching his daughter to stand up for herself? Huge difference between standing up for yourself and talking down on people. If he was unhappy with his food he could've told server why without talking to him like a child. You can be polite and send back your food. The server had nothing to do with the non-sizzling beef. Ettiquette doesn't matter when dealing with the lower class? Bi**h please. I admire my server friends because I couldn't do it without someone ending up with a fork in the eye.
- Rick BLv 73 months ago
Ummm. Expecting someone to do their job is not an attitude. He made the waiter reiterate the order and it still was not right???? That is called expecting people to do their job.