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I work at a diner! I waitress 5 hours a day! I’m constantly moving! My pedometer only reads 2000 steps? Does that seem accurate?
5 Answers
- Elaine MLv 72 months ago
They aren't that accurate. They need full steady strides, they don't acknowledge half steps and pivots.
- JudyLv 72 months ago
That would be 400 steps an hour, or 6-7 a minute. Some of the time you're standing still, like taking orders or other talking to customers. sounds reasonable.
- ?Lv 62 months ago
You have apparently found the most efficient way to do your job in the least amount of steps.
- A HunchLv 72 months ago
Why don't you test your pedometer instead of ask us when we have no idea how big the diner is?
- check home many steps you have. walk 10 steps, and see how many steps it says.
Did you calibrate the pedometer when you started to use it?
- Anonymous2 months ago
Never used one But you are getting plenty of exercise on your feet for 5 hours