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Can I get fired for having anemia?
I work at starbucks and started about 8 months ago. Lately I’ve been getting praised for my hard work by my peers and manager. I had a terrible training experience so I was the slowest person on the team till 2 months ago when I started upping my game. Today, however, I had work at 11:45 and in the middle of my shift I had a bit of a dizzy spell due to my anemia. My anemia isn’t too extreme as it comes and goes and hasn’t been too overwhelming. When I got my dizzy spell, my shift helped me sit down and my manager gave me food. She told me it’s ok and they’re here to help and that I should disclose my health problems next time but it’s ok that I didn’t. She also texted me about 2 hrs ago to check how I was feeling. Is it possible to get fired for smth like this
The reason I ask is because my dad lectured me and told me it’s going to negatively impact me in the work force even though I worked in far worse conditions and still managed to do my work
And the reason I started doing better work is because I transferred to a new store that taught me everything I needed to know
4 Answers
- babyboomer1001Lv 72 months ago
No. Take some food so that when you feel dizzy, you can gobble a handful of nuts, or something.
- A HunchLv 72 months ago
If you can't do your job because of your medical condition, they will tell you that you can't work there. Starbucks won't allow people who are a fall risk in the small area behind the counter.
However, you need to get your anemia under control. It's not just dizzy spells that it impacts, that's a symptom of your organs being impacted.
- Anonymous2 months ago
They won't fire you over this because it is an isolated incident and you have proven yourself too valuable as an employee. Chances are the reason it occurred isn't because of your job, or your effort, but because you missed a dose of of your medication. And whether it be true or not, you might want to suggest that to your employer. They want assurance that it will be an isolated incident into the future. If they don't believe this, they won't fire you, but instead will likely decrease the length of your shifts to limit how much strain you can put upon yourself.
- Rick BLv 72 months ago
It would be illegal for them to fire you for a medical condition. But, if you are unable to perform your job duties, I could wee them telling you that you need to move on.
You were not under any obligation to "disclose your health problems" and again, that is illegal for her to try to force you to do so.
I'm sure you will be fine. Perhaps you should start eating more iron-rich foods and maybe even taking an iron supplement. What has your doctor advised you to do about this?