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    What kind of snake is this?

    Found it in our backyard (FL). is it venomous? Does anybody know the name of it?

    4 Answers4 weeks ago
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    Is life still worthwhile if you just smile?

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    I always smile. It makes people wonder what I've been up to.

    4 Answers4 weeks ago
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    Alternative Food For a Picky Corn Snake?

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    In my experience, with all of my babies, once they reach a year, they just...stop. My ball pythons and my corn all pulled this stunt when they turned 1 AND 2. She's not being picky. She's growing. She's almost being a "moody" teenager, LOL. Everything I've seen, read, and every person I've talked to have said this is relatively normal. My corn FINALLY started eating again after 5 months of turning one. One of my balls? SEVEN MONTHS. I thought the worst, made a vet appointment, but the week before he was due, he was out, curious, so I thought I'd try to feed and he slammed down two rats. Appointment canceled and he's been a good eater since. 

    I'm also assuming that it's spring in your part of the world, and believe me, it's also very common for them to not eat at all, because she has a little somethin' else on her mind right now: she wants to mate. My girl didn't start pulling the "I'm not eating because I'm horny" schtick until she was about 3, and that was another scare. She wouldn't eat from end of March till end of June. Now it's just a normal phase we go through and we will give her a pinky/hopper RAT, full of fat, end of March so she has that at least until she's over it. She is now 12 years old, healthy and big as ever. Just fed her 2 days ago and I know it's her last meal for a while. 

    So it's good she ate one, and keep trying (maybe after a shed would be best), but don't panic. She may not eat until June, like mine, she may eat the next time you try. It may take her a year to get on a normal feeding schedule, then she stops in November until March (not that it's not common, but *SOME* reptiles will still try and go into brumation, their own little way of hibernating, and not come out or eat during the winter months). She's not being picky, she's just off food right now. I have never seen any snake eat like clockwork every two week perfectly. They are still "wild" animals at heart and still follow their own schedules and ways of doing things. 

    *IF YOU NOTICE ANY OF THESE THINGS, yes, there is a problem: Wheezing, labored breathing, losing weight (spine is very noticeable), and overall lethargy and dullness of scales (when it's not shed time) time for a vet, absolutely. But I think she's being a moody teen butthead scaring her human, LOL. 

    4 Answers1 month ago
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    What makes a reptile a reptile?

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    Reptiles are cold-blooded vertebrates that breathe with lungs and have dry ski covered with horny plates or scales.  Reptiles include alligators and crocodiles, snakes, tortoises, turtles, and lizards. 

    4 Answers1 month ago
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    Do frogs have no predators?

    Why aren’t they scared of anything? I walk up to a big frog and try to scare it but it just sits there and stares at me

    7 Answers2 months ago
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    Both Parents are afraid of my pet snake and they refuse to step anywhere near it. How can I help them not be so afraid?

    I bought a black eyed leucitic ball python two years ago and she is the most docile snake I have ever owned. My roommate says she can't believe how easy she is to handle compare to my other snakes. However my parents will not set foot anywhere near her when they come to visit me, they say that she hisses at them every time. The hell can I do?

    10 Answers2 months ago
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    Help! Really worried about my snake?

    My year and a half old western hognose has not eaten in 4 months, she did this last year same time and she started eating after about 4 months, so i haven't been too worried about it because she is not loosing weight. She has shed a few days ago and today I noticed that she pooped and it is greenish and has a lot of mucus with a little blood. I have also noticed that there are some clicking noises coming from her mouth. Should I take her to the vet?

    7 Answers2 months ago
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    My tween found clutch of frog eggs in a soon to dry out puddle in the field next to our house. she saved them, what to do next, advice?

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    You can relocate the eggs to another puddle or you can bring them home and wait until they hatch before relocating them. Use pond water or bottled water only, but no tap water if you choose to bring them home. Or you can leave the eggs where they are. It is natural selection at work. If frogs do not place eggs where they are likely to survive, then the parent frogs don't leave their genes and only frogs that know where to lay eggs will leave their genes to future generations.

    5 Answers3 months ago
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    I think I might be a lizard?


    9 Answers3 months ago
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    Sex of baby corn snake?

    Can anyone tell visually if my baby corn snake is a male or female?

    5 Answers3 months ago
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    Is there any way to be able to keep a pet elsewhere if your apartment complex doesn't allow it?

    I want to get a monitor lizard, but the place I'm moving to doesn't allow enclosures beyond 20 gallons. Is there any services or anything out there that allow you keep an animal there for a boarding fee? I know places allow you to keep boats and cars in them, how about animals?

    4 Answers3 months ago
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    Do lizards bite?

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    Some do. I've been bitten by tokay geckos. Komodo monitors are predators and bite. So do the Gila monster and Mexican beaded lizard.

    9 Answers3 months ago
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    Is venom poisonous?

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    If you have an ulcer, the venom will get into your bloodstream. I recall a story in a magazine about someone who used to sell curare and would downplay the value of a competitor's curare by swallowing some of it. The competitor gave him some fresh pineapple. When eaten, it allowed some of the curare to enter his bloodstream, killing him when he swallowed curare. That would be all it took to allow the same thing to happen with snake venom.

    5 Answers3 months ago
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    Why do 'people' like Dianne like to trash questions if they're made to look like Cnuts? Can't they take the heat? Ar$e-pipe losers?

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    Use your brains, Sunbeam. You gave me a couple of BAs and they've all disappeared. Check it out!

    The culprit is the multiple accounts troll who I call The Lambresco Kid located in Liverpool who hides behind the anonymous banner.

    For confirmation look at the question I asked about the five murderers jailed for life and see how many times LAMBRESCO was mentioned. 

    You don't need to be Inspector Morse to work it out.

    Edit....Lambresco Kid, you are not decent if you're calling out other users with multiple accounts while hiding behind an anonymous banner.

    I don't hide so why do you?

    Gerald.....did you predict a worldwide pandemic four years ago?

    No, you did not, so let's have no more of this nonsense from you.

    PS...Gerald has gone anonymous! 

    Yet another coward. 

    18 Answers4 months ago
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    What would you do if you found a poisonous snake on your door step?

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    i would call animal control and ask them to take it out

    13 Answers4 months ago
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