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  • Formal essay help!! (convention)?

    Can I say "I" in the title of a formal essay? The body paragr/conclusion of course ive kept it present tense and not use personal pronouns, but in the title can I have something like.. "Who am I, Really?"

    Or can i not use " I " in a title?

    1 AnswerLanguages9 years ago
  • vector question helppp?

    Explain why |a| < | a +b | + |b| (esentially, magnitude of vector)

    and why |b| < |a| + |a+b|

    I dont get the question, its kind of obvious that a side length plus the sum of a sidelength is going to be greater than a sidelength on its own... what does this mean? am i not understanding it? anyone?

    2 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • Vector addition/subt?

    When im looking at vectors, is there a difference in saying x-y , or y-x , does that matter in terms of vectors? since subtraction of vectors mainly includes two vectors that travel in opposite directions

    2 AnswersPhysics9 years ago
  • World history question, help!?

    I have a question, its gonna be like an essay question but i just need some ideas.

    "Western civilization is in the state of decline"

    ( in comparison to how civilization used to be, like napoleonic era, lous the XIV, etc) what is my limit in terms of western civilization as wel? is that all of europe and america?

    3 AnswersHistory9 years ago
  • Penis injury, question.?

    My boyfriend told me that he masturbated to much and his skin was getting chafed in the process. He kept masturbating even with a penis with messed up skin( idk y) , now that ive been with him hes been trying to let it heal. He abstained from all masturbation, everything, for like 2 and a half months. when we tried something last night, alot of the skin peeled off again. Hes been to the doctor and they say they dont see anything, and there is no strong medicine to make the skin grow faster again.

    How can this process take 2 and a 1/2 months?? how much longer does he have to wait again.. anyone? his penis also have a 24/7 burning senstation that doesnt go away. what to do..?

    3 AnswersMen's Health10 years ago
  • Is it wrong for me to like this?

    i was experimenting with myself a while ago, and ive come to the conclusion that i love to pleasure myself anally (fingers for now..) i love everything about it and it feels reallly amazing, am i a disgusting and wrong person for doing this? i mostly do it in the shower because i feel most cleanest there.. but.. is this wrong?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health10 years ago
  • Solving for variables (functions)?

    How do you solve a from the equation

    b ^ 1/a = 3/2 .

    My teacher is trying to find the equation of a graph and got "a" from inspection, how is this possible? then she plugged a in and solved for b

    1 AnswerMathematics10 years ago
  • Math functions question *help!!*?

    The water depth in a harbour is 21m at high tide and 11m at low tide. One cycle is completelyed appx every 12h

    a) find an equation for the water depth as a function of the time t hours after low tide

    I want to know what it means when it says "after low tide" or "after high tide"(another variation of the question)

    My teacher said when its after low tide its going to be cos ... , and after high tide its going to be sin, So um how do i know which one? and if its -cos or -sin, if i start from low tide do i always look at the minimum of the wave and use -cos?

    1 AnswerMathematics10 years ago
  • Why are these not polynomial functions?

    We know that a polynomial function is anything with a positive exponent and a rational number.

    c) 1 / x^3 - 4

    (do we use exponents to verify ?)

    ie) 1^1 / x^3 -4^1

    1-3 = -2 , 1-1 = 0

    Therefore there is a negetive exponent on the x^3, is that why?

    4d) y= 3^x-1 - 11

    (how do u know this isnt?)

    g) [sqrtofentireterm] 3x^3-5x

    Why is that not a polynomial function?

    Thnx 4 the help!

    1 AnswerMathematics10 years ago
  • Absolute value question(help!!)?

    e) 16x- 3|2x-1| = |10x-5|

    Here is how I solved it.

    ::: 16x -3|2x-1| =5|2x-1|

    = 16x/8 = 8/8 |2x-1

    2x = |2x-1|

    x > 1/2

    2x = |2x-1|



    x= -1 . doesnt work.

    Case 2:

    x< -1

    2x = -2x+1

    4x/4 = 1/4

    x= 1/4. 1/4 is less than -1 so is satisfactory.

    The answer booklet says so as wel but solves it completely differently and gets -8 for the first answer, Did i solve it right or did i solve it wrong? The final x is correct but ... Im confused. anyone?

    1 AnswerMathematics10 years ago
  • Absolute value question(2)?

    |3x-4| + |9x-12| =12x

    How do i solve this? there is no value that will maek those absolute brackets equal 0...? anyone?

    1 AnswerMathematics10 years ago
  • Absolute value question?

    -|2x-5| =3

    So, as an absolute value we need to state restrictions so that the absolute bracket is =0

    However, that doesnt seem to be at all possible with this question. How do i solve this?

    2 AnswersMathematics10 years ago
  • Polynomial functions question?

    Look at Question 8c)

    how am i suppposed to know which factors have which exponents?

    A degree 6 function with a negetive leading coefficiant. If i was to guess that I would get to... -x (x+6) (x-5)

    How am i supposed to know where the exponents go? or do i just add 2s and 3s wherever it makes sense..?

    2 AnswersMathematics10 years ago
  • Polynomial function question?

    11. Determine an equation for each polynomial function described below. State whether the function is even, odd, or neither. Sketch a graph of each.

    a) A quntic function with zeroes at -2 (order 3) and 3 (order 2), and that has a y intercept at 70.

    My attempt was.. (x+2)^3 (x-3)^2 + 70 .

    However the answer is 35/36 (x+2)^3 (x-3)^2

    Another one : A quartic function has x int at -3(roder 2) and 1 (order 2) that passes through the point (0, -12)

    My attempt : (x+2)^2 (x-1)^2 -12

    Real answer : -3 (x+2)^2 (x-1)^2

    My question is... How do i show the Y intercepts in these factor form equations? What do i need to do? Please help!! thanks

    2 AnswersMathematics10 years ago
  • Friction burn, Cocoa butter?

    Ive had a frictnio burn on my penis for 7 months, it hasnt healed. Will cocoa butter help it heal at all?

    5 AnswersMen's Health10 years ago
  • Penis skin abrasion (again...)?

    used some cheap lotion and got a friction burn on my penis, about 7 months ago. I did not let it heal for 7 months and continued masturbating the area quite frequently and very aggresively. Recently, ive decided to let it heal. The underside of the head(frenulumihtink) is really damaged, looks wrinkly and burnt very disgusting. Ive been to two doctors both of them say they dont see anything, but there is obviously someething wrong. Anytime i masturbate the skin ends up peeling off, i havent done it for 2 weeks, but I keep having wet dreams so it keeps destroying itself now.. Im 18, my sex life is ruined, and I doubt my penis is gonna heal... does anyone have any similar problems?

    Ive tried using vitamin E lotions on my penis, but i have some sort of allegic reaction to them because my penis just starts to burn more. (as well as vaseline.. same issue)

    It really looks bad, and it doesnt look like its gonna heal... even with the wet dreams im not sure if its peeling but it burns a bit after i wake up.

    What should I do? Do i need some sort of reconstructive surgery? will i ever be ok again...? Or is this just going to take like 2 months to heal?

    Here are the keypoints that you guys may/maynot understand.

    * I havent masturbated for around 2 weeks now and there is no visible improvement

    * It starts to look a bit better and I end up having a wet dream and it destroys the skin again

    * All doctors say they see nothing, however... there is obviously something.

    Dont just say "Lay off it for a while" , If i do that... then I just end up having a wet dream and the same thing happends. Friction makes no difference, the act of ejaculation and the force that pushes the semen out makes the skin peel.

    3 AnswersMen's Health10 years ago
  • penis skin abrasian not healing.. anyone?

    I used some cheap lotion and got a friction burn on my penis, about 7 months ago. I did not let it heal for 7 months and continued masturbating the area quite frequently and very aggresively. Recently, ive decided to let it heal. The underside of the head(frenulumihtink) is really damaged, looks wrinkly and burnt very disgusting. Ive been to two doctors both of them say they dont see anything, but there is obviously someething wrong. Anytime i masturbate the skin ends up peeling off, i havent done it for 2 weeks, but I keep having wet dreams so it keeps destroying itself now.. Im 18, my sex life is ruined, and I doubt my penis is gonna heal... does anyone have any similar problems?

    Ive tried using vitamin E lotions on my penis, but i have some sort of allegic reaction to them because my penis just starts to burn more. (as well as vaseline.. same issue)

    It really looks bad, and it doesnt look like its gonna heal... even with the wet dreams im not sure if its peeling but it burns a bit after i wake up.

    What should I do? Do i need some sort of reconstructive surgery? will i ever be ok again...? Or is this just going to take like 2 months to heal?

    5 AnswersMen's Health10 years ago
  • Quick Quadrat. functions question?

    1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

    y=-3f(2-x)-2 for the root function...

    2. Relevant equations

    3. The attempt at a solution

    If im given a function like, y=-3f(2-x)-2 for the root function...

    Do i factor out the negetive on the x?

    Making it.. y=-3f(-(x-2)-2 . making a reflection on both the x/y axis's ? Or is that wrong

    1 AnswerMathematics10 years ago
  • Help please negetive exponents?

    Im going to give three scenerios, all pointing the same direction, please help me i have an exam tommorow ill do anythingg

    . The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

    Question 3 l )

    2. Relevant equations

    3. The attempt at a solution


    (__________) 1/6a^2 * 1/b^3 / 1/2a^2 * 1/b^1

    (2a^2b^-1 )

    I multiplied the top half together to give me 1/ 36a^4b^2

    Multiplied the bottom half to give me 1/4a^4b^1 , Then took the reciprical of the bottom half and move it up and multiplied it with the top half.

    Giving me a final of

    :: 4a^4b^1



    However, when i fold this down it becomes 1/9 and the a's cancel and 4b is left over at the bottom.

    The answer is a^8b^4 / 9

    I know its complicated to read, just write it on paper and ull understand.

    What did i do wrong?



    Look here.

    Go down to Simplify the following expression: (–3x–1y2)2

    Why is it 9y^4 / x^2 , and not 9x^2/y^4 , doesnt make sense? anyone?


    ... f) (-3m^-3n^-1)^-3

    Solving this one, I get -27m^9 / n^3

    Why in the answer book is it m^9*m^3 /27 ?


    Please xplain to me what im doing wrong.. i use the neg reciprical rule and get the right answer but the order is all wrong..

    2 AnswersMathematics10 years ago