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Lv 4
DX_39 asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 5 years ago

if you eat lower calorie food, and feel hungrier at the end of the day is that counter productive?

I heard for many reasons you should avoid starving. When your body gets really hungry it tends to store the next meal as fat. I even heard someone say when your stomach is growling that's the sound of it getting ready to store the next meal as fat, I don't know if that's true.

Just wondering. If I switch to eating meals of not oily meat, steamed vegetables and small portions of carbs, and I still feel hungry after and instead of eating I keep drinking water (someone told me to do that) is that bad? does the same thing as when you are starving happen? or is it ok because atleast I ate my meals today?

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    The best way to lose weight is to eat a BIG meal in the morning then less for lunch and a small meal for dinner. When you go to bed feeling a little hungry THAT is when your body is losing weight. The big breakfast ( include fruit) is what you will be burning to have energy during the day.

  • 5 years ago

    Your meals will not store anything as fat if you are under your calorie maintenance. If you eat under your maintenance calories per day you will lose weight. If you eat over your calorie maintenance per day you will gain weight (fat). Your body does not store fat if it is hungry or if it grumbles. All that matters whether anything will be stored as fat is how many calories you eat by the end of the day and its that simple.

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