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Anonymous asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 2 weeks ago

What's the quickest way to lose weight while staying healthy?

13 Answers

  • 2 weeks ago

    Try fasting-then you can return to normal feeding with some time with no food at all,which can reduce your average time fat.Like when having weekend rest,avoid eating till unable to do it.

    Source(s): Long time fasting and other health thingies
  • 2 weeks ago

    Don't expect to lose weight over one night. This process will take time, so you have to get serious about it. Eating healthy is vital, so just cut foods that contain too much fat, and of course, you need to exercise regularly. I think fitness and diet mobile solutions are great to guide you on the way, so it might make sense for you to try one of those

  • 2 weeks ago

    Weight loss for anyone, is not a task that shows results overnight. It takes many weeks - even months of hard work with your food choices as well as your exercise options.

     There is no hard and fast rule here - but that’s not to stay there aren’t some great strategies available to you (and anyone else seeking them) in order to pursue the fastest path possible. I’m with you on that one. I don’t like waiting around, and if there is even a small thing or two, that I can do better - or add, why not? Read on to find out more…

    6 of the best weight loss solutions that will fire-charge your results.

    Get rid of all refined sugar products, including snacks (and even things you thought were not filled with refined sugar). It’s time to go cold turkey immediately!

    Everything and anything that contains added sugar needs to be eliminated straight away. This adds up to a lot of extra calories (and empty, pointless ones for that matter) which do not serve your body in any way, nor will it help your weight loss efforts. Read all labels, and make sure you are very aware of the sugar content, and what the actual sugar is. We can get away with things containing stevia, as it’s a plant extract - but white refined sugars are banned for now. This will literally change your results - and it’s most likely the one thing holding a lot of people back from weight loss and eliminating disease. You don’t need it and it’s not serving you - so delete.

    Reduce your carbohydrate intake and opt for lots of veggies instead.

    For about 2 weeks straight, eliminate all carbohydrate sources and use veggies instead. The results will be shedding of excess water and reducing muscle glycogen stores. The two-week period will give your body enough time to shed fat and water weight and allow your body to begin burning fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates.

    At the end of the 2 week period, start introducing only complex carbohydrates. This should become your cycle period of carb infusion, and carb exclusion. That means, spending 3 days on low carb, and one day on high carb. Keep this up, regularly to allow fat burning to take place. This is the carb cycling strategy and works very well.

    Your meals should consist of protein, vegetables and fats for every meal.

    No more cereals, breads and sandwiches - we need to opt for the good stuff here. You should have a source of protein, 2–3 cups of low carb veggies and some fats (either avocado or olive oil). These meals will abolish your hunger, and keep your energy flowing for longer stretches of time. That means, you are drastically reducing your calorie intake - but without the negative effects of hunger.

    Complete protein consumption is key - high quality is the way to go.

    Complete protein sources means eggs, fish and any meats that contain a huge amount of amino acids. The more amino acids your foods contain, the more likely you are to reduce your body fat. Protein also preserves your muscles when you are trying to lose weight - and we all should know how important muscle mass is. Aim for about 1.3–1.6g protein per KG. This amount of protein is saved only for those highly active individuals.

    Fats are just as important here too - eat them with every meal.

    Increasing your fat intake while decreasing carbs, will allow your body to become more metabolically flexible. That means, it burns more fat for energy. When on a lower carb diet, fats are more essential than ever for your weight loss goals to become a reality. Be sure to consume salmon, olive oil in your salad and nuts as a snack regularly.

    You need to be eating enough food.

    You may notice the lack of energy when you aren’t eating enough foods. This is made even more obvious when lowering your carb intake. Don’t get sucked into the notion that eating more calories will stop your fat loss results. What you want is a long-term strategy, that allows for you to have energy, live life to the fullest and sustaining that fat loss. Adding fat as a form of energy will increase your body temperature, which counters the decrease in thyroid function. Low thyroid function is sometimes due to lack of glucose or calories - therefore it’s important to keep a watchful eye on this and change accordingly.

    Hopefully these simple lifestyle changes can provide you with some extra benefits along your weight loss journey. Do make sure you allow enough time to achieve your goals, so they can be sustainable and manageable. If you appreciate this, why not stick with my ranting via my website or join me on fb and insta social. Please feel free to upvote this answer if it has been useful in some way to you.

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  • 2 weeks ago

    I can speak from experience that losing weight takes determination and patience. I’ve gone through a substantial weight loss over the past few years and I’ve done copious amounts of research on the topic, however, I’m by no means an expert. Everything listed below is from my own personal experiences and please be careful when pursuing your own goals!

    Part One: Food

    Re-evaluate your diet

    This is not me saying ‘eat less.’ This is me saying to think about the types of food which you are putting into your body.

    I grew up eating a lot of sugary breakfasts (or skipping breakfast), processed lunches and quick dinners (which were sometimes healthy and sometimes a take-away) and it wasn’t until I was in my 20s when I really started looking at the ingredients in the foods I was eating.

    Your body needs good wholefoods. Like fresh vegetables and fruits. It needs grains full of fibre and fats which are primarily unsaturated. Your body digests these foods differently than cookies and crisps and they have a satisfying effect on your mood and will help in balancing out your system which will help you start to lose weight.

    2. Learn the basics of macronutrients

    Carbohydrates, proteins and fats, aka macronutrients.

    They show up in almost every article on diets. Low-carb this, Low-fat that, Keto is so great (high-fat), yadda yadda.

    The problem I personally found with diets is that all the articles on the diet would be of pretty women and muscular men sharing their success stories, with some vague references to some scientific study somewhere that proves this works. This is great for those people, but my main issue was the fact that everything seemed to work.

    What I mean by that is people lost weight on low-carb diets and low-fat diets, so what gives? Which one is better?

    So I looked into the macronutrients, I tried to understand what’s good and what’s bad, and the secret is… all three are good for you!

    I don’t think there’s too many people which would argue the benefits of protein, so I’m not going to spend too much time on it, basically, personally I have found increasing my protein intake to between 1-1.2 grams per kg body weight has been good for helping me build muscle when I started lifting.

    Next is carbs. Yes, carbs are good for you, but complex carbs are really where it’s at. These are your whole grains, your oats, your brown rices, vegetables and more! These foods are typically high in fibre and digest more slowly. This is the reason that my bowl of oatmeal in the morning keeps me full much longer than the croissant I picked up at the coffee shop (though that flaky pastry was delightful….)

    Finally fats. Fats are great, that’s why I feel like keto got so popular. The problem is, a bag of skittles is not the type of fat you’re looking for (also this is mainly carbs, so I’m looking at you person who tried to justify eating that skittles pack because you started the keto diet…)

    The fats that are great though may not be the ones that may satisfy your sweet tooth though. They’re going to be the ones that are low in saturated fat. This saturated fat is what causes health problems and can make gaining weight easier. Instead try to read the food labels to see which foods are low in saturated fat and snack on these instead (and snack wisely, fats still have about 9 cal/gram, whereas carbs and proteins have 4 cal/gram (p.s. alcohol has 7 cal/gram!)). These types of foods usually are nuts, seeds, fatty fishes, and olive oils.

    The final step on this is finding your balance between carbs, protein and fats, and that’s where this is unique to you!

    I have seen proportions on the internet range vastly according to which diet your on, but it really depends on your goals. I have found that for me, a 50% carb, 25–30% protein, and 20–25% fat ratio for by caloric intake of the day has helped me get to where I need to be.

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  • 2 weeks ago

    The Paleo Diet;  nothing but meat, fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains and seeds.  No dairy, no bread, no pasta, no soda, no added sugars.

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    This may sound gross but it works and you probably don’t want to do it in front of people. Anyway the technique is to eat something you like, like for instance, steak and mashed potatoes with gravy and chew for the taste and split it up into a wastebasket. Then when you get down to the last few bites, begin to eat and swallow some of it. It works and I lost 26 pounds doing it.

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago


  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago


    I dunno.

    When my race loses weight, people think we're on crack.

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Spend 18 hours a day sitting on the toilet.  Try to sh*t as often as possible because this will rid your body of weight.

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Eat less and exercise

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