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  • p0700 p0725 p1391 after transmission rebuild?

    i have a 2002 chrysler sebring convertible with a 2,7 liter automatic. the motor was replaced about 20k miles ago with a remanufactured motor. and everything has been flawless untill the transmission was rebuilt. the code p1391 showed up, it runs poorly and ive scoped the cam and crank sensor signals and found the crank sensor signal was irratic.the voltage to the sensors are within spec, the cam signal was ok. ive replaced the cam and crank sensors, swapped the pcm with a known good pcm, overlaid the harness and pulled the flexplate out and replaced it with new, and verified cam crank timing. ive wiggled the harness and had no luck there. i think ive run out of ideas. but not above taking any suggestions thanks!

    2 AnswersChrysler1 decade ago