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need help cutting dogs nails?
i have a yellow lab that is pretty good size. i normally take him to the groomers to have his nails clipped. i have done it before when he was younger but now that he is older and bigger he likes to fight me on it. he is not mean, just won't sit still and i'm afraid of hurty him. he has light color nails and they are easy to see where to cut but the hole thing of him not letting me is getting nerve racking. he is a very good dog just don't like his feet messed with. any ideals?
5 AnswersDogs1 decade agohelp me decide on a laptop.?
i need a laptop for home and work. something that i can play music on and burn cds but still be able to take to work and use it for downloading graphs and automotive software. i have been looking at several different modules but never owned one to decide which one to get. i really need dependability and fast speed and something with good graphics. thanks
1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade agoi need info for cleaning my dogs ears. ?
i have a 3 year old yellow lab that gets taken to the groomers when needed but i have noticed his ears get dirty before i get a chance to take him. how can i keep his ears cleaned out without hurty his ears and of course his hearing.
6 AnswersDogs1 decade agoi had a sharp stabbing pain in my right kidney, but now has gone to a ache. what could it be?
pain happened 2 days ago. and was also added with breaking out into a sweat and had a nausea feeling.
7 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago