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i need info for cleaning my dogs ears. ?
i have a 3 year old yellow lab that gets taken to the groomers when needed but i have noticed his ears get dirty before i get a chance to take him. how can i keep his ears cleaned out without hurty his ears and of course his hearing.
6 Answers
- 1 decade agoFavorite Answer
There are many different forms of ear cleaners for pets, like wipes or rinsing solutions. The wipes will clean the easy to reach parts on the inner surface of the ear, but if you want a good cleansing then you want to use the rinse. That is what the Veterinarian that I work for uses. You can purchase a good ear rinse from your local vet and it is fairly easy to do (as long as your dog will hold still for about 60 seconds). All you do is squirt a couple times in each ear about 2 or 3 times a week or as needed! Hope this helps! =)
- Bonzie12Lv 71 decade ago
I also use the dog ear wipes from petsmart. They are great to keep the ears clean. You can also get an ear irrigation liquid to use in addition to the wipes. You just squirt some of it into the ear, squeeze the ear together and rub it then let the dog shake his head. Use the wipes and you will be surprised as to the amount of dirt that comes out. You can have a groomer or your vet show you how to use the irrigation liquid at first if you aren't sure how to use it.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
I don't believe in commercial ear wash, personally. I think it's over priced and doesn't work as well as vinegar and water. I use half vinegar, half water. It doesn't smell very good, I know, I have three dogs... all floppy eared. None of them have ever had an ear infection.
I put the mixture in a squirt bottle.. give a squirt in each ear, massage the ear, and then wipe the canal with a cotton ball. You don't want to use Q-tips in your dog's ears.
- ®Lv 71 decade ago
Mix a mixture of 50% rubbing alcohol & 50% white vinegar. Use a cotton ball to clean out the inside of the ears, but never put any in the ear canal.
- 2bzyLv 61 decade ago
Go to Petsmart and get the ear cleaning wipes. They are great! You can also order online from Drs. Foster and Smith: