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i had a sharp stabbing pain in my right kidney, but now has gone to a ache. what could it be?

pain happened 2 days ago. and was also added with breaking out into a sweat and had a nausea feeling.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Chad, It certainly sounds like you may likely have a kidney stone. Kidney stones form in the kidney from a build-up of a particular acid the kidney produces. The stones can really vary in size. They can be as small as a tiny green pea or they can be three to four times that size. They generally have very jagged edges, odd shapes and are very, very hard. When they try to pass through the small tubular areas of the kidney they can cause pain from mild aching to a very intese, severe pain. Once they enter the Ureter, which is the tubular pathway the urine flows through going downward from the kidney to the bladder, they can get lodged and block the flow of fluid drining from the kidney. They can cause damage to the Ureter, ripping and tearing the inside of this tubular space if they manage to flow down into the bladder. From the bladder they then enter into the urethra with the flow of urine trying to pass there way out. At any point the stone can get lodged and will not move at all! Trying to pass a kidney stone is one of the MOST painful things a person can go through!! They are nasty!! Trust me, I have had a couple in the past.

    I highly advise you to see your Dr. or a Urologist as soon as you can. These stones can be detected through a simple Ultrasound procedure. If in fact you do have a stone or stones, a Urologist can can destroy them through a fairly simple procedure. The kidney is a very important organ in your body. See a Dr. as soon as you can. I promise you that if you do have a kidney stone and the Dr. decides it is small enough to pass on it's own, you will not want to pass it without some decent pain medication to get you through. If it is not a stone it could be something more serious.

    Take Care of Yourself,


  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): Proven Kidney Disease Remedy :
  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Pain In Right Kidney

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Right Kidney Pain

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    i had a sharp stabbing pain in my right kidney, but now has gone to a ache. what could it be?

    pain happened 2 days ago. and was also added with breaking out into a sweat and had a nausea feeling.

    Source(s): sharp stabbing pain kidney ache be:
  • 1 decade ago

    well of course it could be lots of things. kidney infections act like that. the pain changes or may even go away only to come back. keep track of your temperature.push fluids, if it is an infecdtion sooner or later you'll start feeling really sick. also have a friend take a knuckle and quickly and firmly "punch" (not to hard) the exact spot. if it makes you want to drop to you knees it's an infection. it can also be a mucsle strain that your precieving as kidney pain. if it hurts a good deal more when you move thats probably it. good luck

  • 5 years ago

    I couldn't just sit around and do nothing like my doctors suggested.

    They didn't want me to do anything or to take herbs or herbal remedies, but I had to try something - they just wanted me to do dialysis!

    This program allowed me to take control of my health. I went from Stage 4 to Stage 3 kidney disease.

    It was easy to do and my BUN, creatinine and anemia are all in better ranges.

    Reversing Your Kidney Disease?

  • S P
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    either kidney infection or stones. See a doctor ASAP!

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