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need help cutting dogs nails?
i have a yellow lab that is pretty good size. i normally take him to the groomers to have his nails clipped. i have done it before when he was younger but now that he is older and bigger he likes to fight me on it. he is not mean, just won't sit still and i'm afraid of hurty him. he has light color nails and they are easy to see where to cut but the hole thing of him not letting me is getting nerve racking. he is a very good dog just don't like his feet messed with. any ideals?
5 Answers
- 1 decade ago
This is a 2 person job but I found it worked really well)
What I've done with my dog is I had a carrot chew toy (you could use any toy that he likes though) and I would cover it with peanut butter (thin coat). One person would hold the peanut butter coated toy in front of him to lick and distract him while the other person clipped his nails. It worked really well. It's the only time that he does get peanut butter, just so it's special. But actually now, I can do it by myself without any distractions at all and he's very cooperative. He is a smaller dog though so I can hold him in my arms and clip with the other hand. You may need to stick to two people
- Julie D.Lv 71 decade ago
I have been using a Cordless Dremel for many years. It takes a little practice and the "getting use to the humming" noise for the dog, but it is great. If you have such a big problem, I would continue taking your dog to the groomers or Vet for the job.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
People say the PediPaws is good. Personally I walk my dog on the concrete and that tends to file them down. Or you could use a regular human file and file his nails down, but be careful not to hit the quick.