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I have downloaded adobe acrobat, but I can never get it to open. Why?
Everything has to open with adobe acrobat, but when I try to it wont come up or is blank. It its crazy! Would like to print tax forms and can't.
1 AnswerScanners9 years agoIs there a way to restrict sites with a password?
I have a teenager that will not do his homework worth a darn because of face book and you tube. I don't care if he is on those sites with his friends AFTER homework, so I would like a password access. I hope you can help me, I have an XP.
1 AnswerSecurity9 years agoWhat sort of things did your parent say to you when you would forget things??
Mine always said "You know what 'Forgot' did don't you? He pulled out his tie and wet his pants. Where do they get this stuff.
7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoThinking of moving to Aberdeen, Hoquiam Washington. Want to know EVERYTHING possible about the area.?
Especially from people who live or have lived there.
7 AnswersSeattle1 decade ago