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14 Answers
- 1 decade ago
once you see it from there angle it's not hard to blurt out some parental advise.
you see as kids we may seem to be not listening...but when the time comes, we've listened to every word mom and dad has ever nagged us to death with.
- Ms LetyLv 71 decade ago
I made a promise to myself,that I would never be anything like my mother.I even told my daughter that if I was ever to act like her,to slap me hard!Sorry,but she was very abusive.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
No, thank god, but I don't have any children. I did that on purpose because I didn't want to be my parents.
- littleheadcatLv 61 decade ago
all the time---
and now i know why i'm so wise with a great sense of humor
- pirate00girlLv 61 decade ago
i did, when my kids were little. once i realized though, it totally freaked me out and i did everything in my power to turn it around...therapy, parenting classes, etc.
Source(s): former counselor, parenting instructor/family advocate - Anonymous1 decade ago
lol Yes of course.