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What sort of things did your parent say to you when you would forget things??
Mine always said "You know what 'Forgot' did don't you? He pulled out his tie and wet his pants. Where do they get this stuff.
7 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavorite Answer
you would forget your head if it wasn't sittin on your shoulders
- ✶Lv 41 decade ago
my dad gets mad, yells at me, then lectures me. and this happens mostly once a month maybe more. sometimes every weekend. depends on how much i 'forget' things. lol
- sandibumLv 51 decade ago
so cliche, my parents always said I'd forget my head if it were not attached
- just curiousLv 51 decade ago
how could you be so careless??
..and guess what? i say it to my own kids.