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Lv 5
MaY asked in TravelUnited StatesSeattle · 1 decade ago

Thinking of moving to Aberdeen, Hoquiam Washington. Want to know EVERYTHING possible about the area.?

Especially from people who live or have lived there.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i live here with my girlfriend, it's a nice small town but has a lot of stuff to do here. it gets a lot of rain in the winter, it's been 7 days of clear skies and this time of year it's mostly nice. real estate is fairly cheap, we bought our first home for about 100k. there is not a lot of jobs in the area, the timber industry is not what it used to be and that is what made the towns famous around here.

    the ocean is close by and is nice this time of year, there is stuff to do in the town, the people are really nice here, we have a pretty good public transit system here for a town of this size.

    all in all we have been very happy since moving here.

    we get about 90 inces of rain on average, but most of that falls within the cold winter months, it never gets as hot as seattle or portland but we have a lot of nice days too.

  • 1 decade ago

    Born and raised in Washington...all I can tell you is it seems like a pretty small town.

    They got a lumber mill...

    Lots of rain.

    Gray and gloomy, about 330 days out of the year.

    If you like , small towns, rain, gray skies and Rust...I think you'll just Love Abdereen.

    Then again, the ocean is like a half hour drive, Westport, an old fishing, tourist town is Great, and I suppose from Abdereen, Oceanshores is even closer...well I suppose either way it is like half hour, to fourty five the coast.

    Thats pretty cool.

    But I lived in a little tiny...old motel/ cabin, about 2 blocks from the beach...of all times, in December!!!

    Cold, damp, and miserable, thats what I was.

    I packed all my stuff into my little Dodge-Mitsubishi P/U and left after Midnight, before rent was due the next day...MMM the memories.


    Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Used to work there but never lived there. It's definately low cost living though. Home prices are lower than most other locations but then it's rather remote. Not much there.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's kind of run down, I guess because of what the other answers tell you...It's just a town I drive thru on my way to Ocean Shores, and I am glad to just be passin' thru!

    Hope this helps you..

  • 1 decade ago

    They are timber towns (the economy is based on timber). When the mills close, the town dies. Not a lot to do.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not a good idea.

    San Francisco would be a lot more attractive.

  • 1 decade ago

    its cold most the year and murky however i love to visit there but i would NEVER want to live there

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