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What's the meaning of 000 111 000 100 011 001 001 010?
Can anyone decipher the meaning of
2 AnswersOther - Computers9 years agoIl ce passe des trucs ici!?
what does it mean? How do you translate it in english
thanks in advance
1 AnswerWords & Wordplay10 years agowhat's a really good tearjerker (romantic) movie?
I've seen
The Notebook
A walk to remember
P.S. I love you
The time Travelers wife
Pearl Harbor....
I would like to see a movie that will make me bawl
10 AnswersMovies1 decade agoWhich are your favourite sad movies?
Mine are
A walk to remember
Life as a house
If only
Taking chance
The pursuit of Happyness
Pearl Harbor
give some ideas to watch a similar one :)
9 AnswersMovies1 decade agotie one's insides into knots?
I don't understand the sense of it
I found it in the phrase
He ties my insides into knots with just a few words, ever so kindly uttered.
1 AnswerQuotations1 decade agocan you translate this Turkish text?
Yine gözüm yollarda, neredesin?
Gündüzüm gece oldu, kederdeyim
Bilemezsin kaç gece "gelir" diye bekledim
Gelmeyince derdime, yenileri ekledim
Gel yarim ol, sevdalým ol,
Sultaným ol, fermaným ol,
Dertlerimin dermaný ol, hercai
Dolu dolu sevdalar gözlerimde
Gönlümde dolanýrsýn, hep O halinle
Uçusuyor saçlarýn, yaralanmýþ kalbime
Yine sensin tek çare, þu zavallý halime
I love this song, I just have no idea what does it mean.
4 AnswersLanguages1 decade agoname of a Hindi movie ?
I'm looking for the name of a hindi movie
it's an old movie perhaps filmed in the period 1985-1990
I only remember some of the names of the characters Gotham, Madhur, ghauri (I think this is how they are spelled)
the story was about a couple, the guy went to war and when he returned saw his girlfriend getting married with his best friend and in the end one of the guys died.
2 AnswersMovies1 decade agoMalcolm Forbes quote?
Hi there
I'm really having some trouble with a very famous Malcolm Forbes quote " Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one"
I've searched everywhere but I can't seem to find the full text or speech or... I don't know, where he said that and I really need the source of the quote
help would be highly appreciated
thank you in advance
1 AnswerQuotations1 decade agoany easy delicious cake recipe?
6 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago