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what's a really good tearjerker (romantic) movie?
I've seen
The Notebook
A walk to remember
P.S. I love you
The time Travelers wife
Pearl Harbor....
I would like to see a movie that will make me bawl
I've also seen Dear John, Brokeback mountain, and boys don't cry,
10 Answers
- Pepere EldridgeLv 71 decade agoFavorite Answer
If only (2004)
Cora unashamed (2000)
North & South (2004)
- Anonymous1 decade ago
I would watch Dear John, its a really sad one, and well made too, and also The Last Song is a really good one too, but in the end The Notebook is the one that makes me cry every single time that I watch it haha :P
- ?Lv 61 decade ago
Brokeback Mountain
Boys Don't Cry
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
those are the movies I cried really hard at
a sweet movie - Tangled
- Anonymous1 decade ago
When Harry met Sally and You've got mail are two of my personal favorite chick flicks but they probably won't make you cry.
Casablanca makes me cry sometimes and so does August Rush. lol. Jerry Maguire, Pride & Prejudice
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is one of my ALL TIME favorites and made me cry..
- Johnny M.Lv 61 decade ago
Koizora, You'll cry non-stop. I guarantee it.
Peter and Vandy. A bit of a painful film.
Blue Valentine. It'll break you.
Keep those tissues handy!