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can you translate this Turkish text?
Yine gözüm yollarda, neredesin?
Gündüzüm gece oldu, kederdeyim
Bilemezsin kaç gece "gelir" diye bekledim
Gelmeyince derdime, yenileri ekledim
Gel yarim ol, sevdalým ol,
Sultaným ol, fermaným ol,
Dertlerimin dermaný ol, hercai
Dolu dolu sevdalar gözlerimde
Gönlümde dolanýrsýn, hep O halinle
Uçusuyor saçlarýn, yaralanmýþ kalbime
Yine sensin tek çare, þu zavallý halime
I love this song, I just have no idea what does it mean.
4 Answers
- RainLv 71 decade agoFavorite Answer
Again my eyes are at the roads, where are you?
The day turned to night, I am in sorrow
You don't know how many nights i waired , " she will come",
When she did not, i added new ones to my sorrow
Come be my half, be my darling
Become my Sultan (queen) be my ordinance (imperial order)
Become the cure for my troubles
Full full passions at my eyes
you wander around in my heart, always empty
your hair flying, hurting me in my heart
again you are the only solution to my poor situation (state)
Source(s): living in TR - 1 decade ago
Still no sight on roads, where are you?
The day turned to night, sorrowed
You do not know how many at night, "income," he waited for
Came, sorrow, and new ones added
Come on darling, be sevdalým, be
Become Sultaným, ordinance, be
Become dermaný my trouble, Hercai
Sevdalar full in my eyes
Dolanýrsýn my heart, He always makes you
Saçlarýn yea, my heart yaralanmýþ
However, the only cure is you, poor in spite Thu
ListenRead phonetically
Source(s): translated by the turkish monks from the isakiga temple - Anonymous1 decade ago
Still no sight on roads, where are you?
The day turned to night, sorrowed
You do not know how many at night, "income," he waited for
Came, sorrow, and new ones added
Come on darling, be sevdalým, be
Become Sultaným, ordinance, be
Become dermaný my trouble, Hercai
Sevdalar full in my eyes
Dolanýrsýn my heart, He always makes you
Saçlarýn yea, my heart yaralanmýþ
However, the only cure is you, poor in spite Thu
Source(s): - Anonymous1 decade ago
I'm waiting for you again, where are you?
My day became night, I sorrow
You can't know how many times I waited for you to come
Come my dear, become my lover,
Become my queen, become my firman,
Become the healer of my pains, you, (you) hesitant
My eyes are fulled iwth love
You're tripping on my heart, with the attitude of yours
Your hair is flying in the air, to my hurt heart
You're the only cure again, to the poor situation of me
I hope it helps. What's the name of the song by the way?
Source(s): I'm Turkish.