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How do you feel about fetishizing race?
wrong? right? okay to do?
I'm all for preference but it seems really weird to obsess and base physical attractiveness on qualities of a certain ethnicity. Like are they attractive as a person to you or is it just a "that's a fine specimen of that kind" mentality?
5 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups7 years agoDoes Lupe Fiasco still represent the 1st & 15th?
he used to make shout outs in his songs to the artists that he's signed, or say, things like:
"F&F UP!" or "1st and 15th UP!"
...but with his latest album Lasers i haven't heard anything like that. Lasers was with Atlantic Records so I'm thinking he's still with the First and Fifteenth...
...but i'm not sure. So I was wondering: Is he still CEO? Does he still have ties with 1st and 15th Entertainment?
1 AnswerRap and Hip-Hop10 years agoTo those knowledgeable of the threat/situation.......?
Will facebook be around come Saturday?
2 AnswersCurrent Events10 years agoJake: Adventure Time............?
To those who watch Adventure Time, I've got a quick question. Jake has a little brother right? Is there an episode with him in it or one that shows what happened to him?
Hey, does anyone think that Roy Mustang should've killed Envy...cause I do!
And if he did, how do you think the story would have changed, if at all?
i mean what's wrong with revenge?
1 AnswerOther - Television1 decade agoIron Man 2: O my goodness?
Okay so Iron Man 2 is comin out this summer right? I just saw a commercial, that Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow? DA MN!!!!!!
1 AnswerGolf1 decade agoAnyone know if Mabi Heroes is out yet?
I completely forgot about it, and just got curious all of a sudden. If it's not out yet, could ya tell me when we might see it.
4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoAnybody remember this?
I think it was on Nickelodeon. There was a guy who was a real douche. Since he bullied people all the time, some magic guy turned him into a dog. He wouldn't get turned back until he did 100 good deeds. He's owned by the guy he bullied the most or something....
.....Anyone remembah?
1 AnswerOther - Television1 decade agoManga readers, can't you cut back on the spoiling?
just a little bit? seriously ._.
2 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade agoMabinogi: What's the easiest quest to do to get the Falcon?
In Quilla Base Camp, you have to choose one out of three quests to get closer to being a falcon. Which do you recommend?
Oh and why can't elves be black? ^_^
5 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoIs that X-men Origins Wolverine games for the PS2 also?
don't have a PS3, but really want that game. Does anyone know?
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade agoDoes anyone know the name of the song that plays when Neji almost dies?
Not in the Shippuden series, but when they're younger and looking for Sasuke. You can sometimes hear the song played when something good happens (played with japanese flutes or something), and it's also played when something bad happens (slower tempo in piano). Anyone know the name?
1 AnswerComics & Animation1 decade ago