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Anyone know if Mabi Heroes is out yet?
I completely forgot about it, and just got curious all of a sudden. If it's not out yet, could ya tell me when we might see it.
Mabinogi Heroes? Anybody?
4 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavorite Answer
It wont be Mabinogi Heroes(unless your korean) anymore, it's been renamed Vindictus, it's only been out in Korea since the 21st of Jan.
"In early March 2010, Nexon America officially revealed the North American release of Mabinogi Heroes at the Game Developers' Conference in San Francisco. According to the announcement, the name of the game had been changed to Vindictus in North America. The game is scheduled for a Q4 2010 release (October-December)."
- Anonymous1 decade ago
i totally agree