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Mabinogi: What's the easiest quest to do to get the Falcon?
In Quilla Base Camp, you have to choose one out of three quests to get closer to being a falcon. Which do you recommend?
Oh and why can't elves be black? ^_^
5 Answers
- AyaLv 71 decade agoFavorite Answer
Easiest in terms of not needing to do battle or spend a ton of money for it is probably the sketching quest, but it takes a while.
If you can get together a group of really strong friends and get a glowing gargoyle statue, you can do the Maize dungeon. It's tough (really tough), but it takes a lot less time than waiting for the field bosses to spawn.
- 6 years ago
This Site Might Help You.
Mabinogi: What's the easiest quest to do to get the Falcon?
In Quilla Base Camp, you have to choose one out of three quests to get closer to being a falcon. Which do you recommend?
Oh and why can't elves be black? ^_^
Source(s): mabinogi 39 easiest quest falcon: - Anonymous1 decade ago
The easiest would have to be the sketching quest, for the sole reason of not having to do much, but granted, it does take a long time. As for why elves can't be black, is because it was nexon's desicion.Hope this helps. PEACE!! :D
- 1 decade ago
Believe it or not but 'Research Field Boss', is the easiest. As for why elves can't be black, I wouldn't know, you'd probably have to ask Nexon.
-Side-Note: Go to channel one if you pick the field bosses, there is a higher chance they will appear. :P