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Hi there! My name is Sarah, and I love Jesus. I am in college to become an elementary school teacher because I love children!
Why can we still post? It's after midnight!?
1 AnswerYahoo Answers2 weeks agoNow that Yahoo Answers will die in two weeks, will trolls pick up the pace during this time?
Since you will never be able to ask or answer a question ever again on this site on the 20th, are trolls going to get what they can out of the next two weeks?
3 AnswersYahoo Answers4 weeks agoExactly how long to quarantine for coronavirus?
I was exposed to coronavirus on January 30th and have been in quarantine since Wednesday, which is when I found out I had been exposed. I tested negative for COVID last Tuesday (for unrelated reasons), but then had to quarantine. I was set to be able to stop quarantining tomorrow, but I started coughing yesterday, so now I have to quarantine even longer. So should I quarantine 10 days after I stop having symptoms? 10 days after I start? What should I do? Thank you
3 AnswersOther - Business & Finance3 months agoHow to actually use my money from McDonald's job?
I work at a McDonald's and I have never had luck using my paycard. Every time I try to use it, whatever I use says my card is declined. On gas pumps, transactions are cancelled. On sites such as Amazon, it says my credit card is invalid. I have tried closing current cards and activating new ones, and the problem persists. I activate the cards by calling the automated number my work gives me (which forwards me to something automated to type my employee number, the number and security code on my card, and a PIN of my choice, and each time it says my card was successfully activated and previous cards were cancelled). Yet I go to use it and it still won't go through. I think I can fill out a form to change where my payment goes to, but how do I access the money I have in my existing McDonald's account? Thank you in advance
2 AnswersFood Service4 months agoHow to tell if I need new glasses again?
I got a new pair of glasses on Sunday and I find that when I immeaditly look out of my right eye, things are blurry for a second (but less blurry than when not using glasses), and then my eye focuses and things look clear. However, I have not had that issue in the past; I've been able to see things clearly right away with other glasses. I am not having this issue with my left eye. Will I need new glasses again or will I just need to adjust to this?
4 AnswersOptical4 months agoHow to adjust to a nightshift job?
I work at a McDonald's and I am going to be working nightshift for a few weeks. I am scheduled to work from 10pm to 7am on Fri, Sat, and Sun (and I know this is less than ideal, but right now I really need to do this). I have worked evenings, but not a night, so any advice? Thank you in advance
1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment6 months agoWhy did some people think 2020 would be our year (see details)?
Most of us were not expecting a year nearly as bad as it's been in December 2019, but even before 2020 became SUPER chaotic, why did anyone think it would be anything besides just another year?
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 months agoWould this be plagarism?
I asked a question last week about an essay for school. I am majoring in Elementary Ed and we have an essay to do (more here:
Anyway, I don't have access to any typing icons on my laptop and would really rather not pay for it (though I will if I need to). Will I be able to copy and paste my essay from Google Drive to a Word Document or will I need to completely retype my essay? (I have not finished typing it yet. so it won't be terrible if I cannot copy and paste.) Thank you for your help
3 AnswersHomework Help7 months agoAdvice for a teaching essay for school?
I am majoring in Elementary education and I have a MAJOR essay to write as a semester project, and the topic of that essay is to answer whether teachers should face multiple intelligence inquiries. I'm not sure what an intelligence inquiry is, and I'm not really sure where to start on my essay. I can't just use any source because our teacher requires us to use professional journals and books. I have written a few paragraphs of my essay, but I don't think I'm headed in the right direction. I will ask my teacher precisely what he wants us to discuss, but I don't even know where to start on this project. Any advice? Thank you
4 AnswersHomework Help8 months agoHow to change my default google account (see details)?
Normally, you can sign out of all your accounts and sign in first as the account you want to be your default. However, mine, for some reason, made my default account my school gmail account and I want my personal account to be my default. When I hit "sign in", it thinks my school account is my default, so it takes me to my school sign-in. I can't hit "Add account" unless I'm signed in to my school account first. So does that mean my school account is permanently my default account or can I change it without it going straight to the school sign-in?
2 AnswersOther - Electronics9 months agoWhy is it millenials, and then gen z?
People born between 1980 and 1995 (or so) were the last ones to be born last millennium, and Z is the last letter of the alphabet, and people born one generation later were born this millennium or within the last 5 years (or so) of last millennium, so why wouldn't it be Gen Z, then millennials?
2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture10 months agoDouble taxed when you live and work in two different counties, but the same state?
I live in a very rural area with only one "city" (which is a pretty small town too) and I have a job in a different county (I know many people frown upon that, but I tried EVERYTHING and getting a job in my county was simply impossible for me). Both counties are in Indiana (I live in Harrison County and work in Floyd County) so the state tax is the same, but do I owe taxes for both counties? If so, would it add up to be about the same amount it would be if I lived in one county or will I owe double in taxes?
9 AnswersUnited States11 months agoAs a Catholic, can I have a valid confession without a priest under these circumstances?
I want to wrap up my Lenten journey by going to confession, but with the coronavirus going around, churches are cancelling Mass, and with social distancing, it doesn't seem like seeing a priest would be allowed. I believe that a priest needs to hear a confession in most circumstances for it to be valid, but without the ability to do so, would a confession just between me and God be enough? (Asking because confessions are a Lenten tradition for me and, if possible, I want to be able to receive the Body of Christ on Easter.)
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 year agoWhy don't schools test vision and hearing every year?
I've noticed that, while state and school districts vary in guidelines, schools tend to give a vision test and a hearing test every few years. There are stories where people did not have vision or hearing problems detected until they have had problems for years, so why wouldn't schools test both sight and hearing every year?
2 AnswersOther - Health2 years agoNot fired, but not scheduled to work?
I work at a Wendy's and have for only a month. About three weeks ago, I saw my name wasn't on the schedule so I asked the manager who deals with schedules to give me a call if I was put on the schedule and she said she would. Not only has she not called back, but I have called them myself and they have not given me any hours. I have been looking for a second job. Can employers not fire you but sort of force you to quit?
9 AnswersLaw & Ethics2 years agoShould I omit this job from my resume?
I have worked at a Wendy's for a month (a previous question shows I had gotten a job at a Wendy's but went for a different job, but the Wendy's I worked at is a different location. I don't necessarily like or dislike Wendy's- this was just a coincidence). Anyway, I started looking for a new job because I am taking a semester off so I can pay to live on-campus for college in the spring semester. My current job was only giving 8 hours a week, so I needed a second job to help me pay. A Subway is considering hiring me and encouraged me to quit my current job because they will need me during lunchtime, which is when I worked at Wendy's, and they said they don't schedule me anyway and the Subway would be willing to give me 30 hours a week! If I get this job, is the Wendy's job worth putting on my resume? Could places fire me for omitting it if they find out I had it? Thank you
5 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment2 years agoWhy would an atheist want to be excommunicated from the Catholic Church (or any church)?
If you're an atheist, you don't believe in any god, so you don't believe in the God that Christians and some other religions believe in, so why would you believe in the power of excommunication? I'm not a fan of Duke University, but I'm not going out of my way to go there and do something to get banned from the campus.
7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality2 years agoREAD DESCRIPTION PLEASE! Can you skip a year of FAFSA?
I have been in college for a year and I did not apply to FAFSA this year because I am taking a semester off to be able to afford college, and I'm considering taking a full year off. I did not know you had to apply for FAFSA in March because I thought you could do it in September if you were taking time off. Will I be able to apply in September? If not, will I be able to apply for it next March? Will I ever be illegible for it again?
5 AnswersFinancial Aid2 years agoHow to file my tax information for a job?
I got hired for a job at Wendy's last week, but I need to file tax information before I can start. My employer said she has sent me an email multiple times and I still can't find the email. I tried entering two different emails on the employment website but no luck. I can't figure out how to file my tax information for this job! I have called them multiple times so I don't want to keep bothering them, and I did tell them that I really am interested in the job and that I hate to keep bothering them, but I just can't figure out what to do about my tax information! Please help!!!
6 AnswersUnited States2 years agoHow long to volunteer before getting a job?
I'm not going to go into big detail, but I am almost 19 and trying to get my first job (not the first time I've tried to do so). I don't have a ton of volunteer experience so I will definitely be spending my summer volunteering (and I am taking time off school). However, I do need to get money eventually, so how long should I volunteer before I get a job?
10 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment2 years ago