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How long to volunteer before getting a job?
I'm not going to go into big detail, but I am almost 19 and trying to get my first job (not the first time I've tried to do so). I don't have a ton of volunteer experience so I will definitely be spending my summer volunteering (and I am taking time off school). However, I do need to get money eventually, so how long should I volunteer before I get a job?
I'm just talking about an entry-level job, like fast food.
10 Answers
- 2 years agoFavorite Answer
All volunteering does is it looks good on your resume and it can give you references. It shows you're able to gain skills to get into a job, like having good time management and being able to work as a team.
I volunteered for a year or two before I got my first job in retail.
If you want a job then start applying for them. You can use your volunteer work as a reference.
- zipperLv 72 years ago
What does your volunteering have to do with the job your trying for? Most likely nothing! So stop volunteering and start looking for a real starting job. Fast food, Wal Mart, K-Mart are good places to start.
- 2 years ago
While you volunteer, you should be applying for jobs. There's no set length of time to volunteer. I volunteered in a charity shop for 3 years and in a hospice for 2.5 years.
- 2 years ago
You don't need volunteer hours for fast food. It's a plus, however, I know friends who have gotten fast food jobs without any volunteer hours.
- StephenWeinsteinLv 72 years ago
However long it takes. Just keeping looking for a job while you are volunteering.
- Anonymous2 years ago
You really don't for fast food jobs.
If you can't get hired there that's because there are thousands of others applying at the same time you are. You have to apply to 50 jobs a month in order to improve your chances
- Rick BLv 72 years ago
You shouldn't. If you want a job, then get a job. You will have to start at the bottom.
- 2 years ago
Great hiring market right now, I’d try for an entry level job now and keep trying while volunteering.