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Not fired, but not scheduled to work?
I work at a Wendy's and have for only a month. About three weeks ago, I saw my name wasn't on the schedule so I asked the manager who deals with schedules to give me a call if I was put on the schedule and she said she would. Not only has she not called back, but I have called them myself and they have not given me any hours. I have been looking for a second job. Can employers not fire you but sort of force you to quit?
I'm 19 btw
9 Answers
- KittenLittleLv 52 years agoFavorite Answer
Sounds like they're basically firing you without actually telling you anything. I don't know how old you are, but I'd go to the unemployment office and talk to them because it seems like you've basically been let go without it being official.
- StephenWeinsteinLv 72 years ago
They are not forcing you to quit.
They do not have to give you any hours.
You decide whether you want to quit or not.
- ?Lv 42 years ago
Oh, that’s clever. If you quit, you can’t apply for unemployment benefits (which raises the employer’s UI tax bill.)
Don’t quit. They’ll want to take you off the books, so eventually they’ll have to fire you. They can’t fire you for cause because you haven’t done anything wrong, so you can apply for UI.
- 2 years ago
good question. sounds like they didn't like you very much. I would go in and request something at the employee discount rate. Show them your id or whatever you need to prove you were hired and work there. If they tell you, you were fired, say they never gave you any notice or told you and ask for them to put it in writing.
- Anonymous2 years ago
Yes. That happened to me at a cafe I worked at a couple years ago. I was only getting 2 hours a week and that soon turned to two hours every two weeks and then nothing. I hadn't worked for about a month when I just emailed my boss letting her know I was officially quitting. I didn't even need to give two weeks notice, I just emailed her and I was done.