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How to file my tax information for a job?
I got hired for a job at Wendy's last week, but I need to file tax information before I can start. My employer said she has sent me an email multiple times and I still can't find the email. I tried entering two different emails on the employment website but no luck. I can't figure out how to file my tax information for this job! I have called them multiple times so I don't want to keep bothering them, and I did tell them that I really am interested in the job and that I hate to keep bothering them, but I just can't figure out what to do about my tax information! Please help!!!
Ended up finding another job. Thanks
6 Answers
- ?Lv 72 years agoFavorite Answer
They want a completed I-9 form and a completed W-4 form. You can find both of these online and scan/fax or mail them back in.
- Pearl LLv 72 years ago
tell thern you cant find the ernail and to just give you the paperwork to fill out
- JudyLv 72 years ago
They'll have you fill out a form called a W-4. If you live with your parents put 0 allowances, if you're on your own put 1.
- Elaine MLv 72 years ago
Bring in the physical copies. You have those.
Frankly, WHAT job would require anything to do with your personal taxes? That is a serious question you need to ask them.
- ?Lv 72 years ago
Calling to confirm that they have the correct email on file for you seems like a logical place to start. If you've got a spam filter or junk email folder you might also want to check in there.